Prophecy 92 Excerpts fallen angels did many false wonders using Chris Angel, Hinn, Parsley. But soon "Satan’s elite forces will come in the form of UFO’ think is only science fiction."

1 year ago

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Shocking Excerpts about a Brutal War of much suffering in a fight coming against the fallen angels and all of hell's forces. It is only through YAHUSHUA we can overcome it. Millions of us will be Holy Martyrs, some those the most Holy, to be Raptured, our Faith will be tested to extreme levels. Preparation is needed now!

Excerpts from YAH'S Amightywind PROPHECY 92 "Be of Good Cheer for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, Am the Only Good Shepherd and I Beat the Wolves Away!"

Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisheva Elilyahu
Received October 27, 2007
Released November 17, 2007
Updated August 16, 2014

"I have warned through Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) that a false rapture is being planned even now, where people will be taken away, or vaporized by governmental weapons in disguise. Satan’s elite forces will come in the form of UFO’s and USO’s (Unidentified Sea Objects) and remove people in a way you think is only science fiction. Remember, much science fiction is a warning of satan’s plans.

All of the above will come to pass and at separate time intervals in history, and all over the world, not just America. I gave this Prophet writing a warning in a dream about portals of hell opening up and a UFO invasion happening, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Only those crying out in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will be spared at that time. Seek ME while you can yet find ME!"

A Soon Worldwide Mandatory Worship and The Mark of the Beast :
The False Blue Beam Rapture mocks YAHUSHUA'S Second Coming and True Rapture:

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In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name, love and shalom, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
AmightyWind YDS Song/Anthem as heard in outro:

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