Dr. Mikovits | "It's Been Proven When You Make It Difficult for People In Their Lives They Lose Their Ideological Bullsh$# & Get Vaccinated." - Fauci + Celebrating the Life of Dr. Jim Meehan (May He Rest In Peace)
Yuval Noah Harari | "For Alot of People, Chat GPT Becomes Like the Bible. Whatever They Want to Know, They Just Ask AI & Whatever the AI Says They Just Believe." + "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "Some of the Most Powerful People In the World Used to Be News Editors. Like Lenin Before He Was Dictator of Soviet Union, His One Job Was Editor of a Newspaper. Mussolini, He Was Editor of a Newspaper."
Lord Hanuman | 90 Ft. Tall Bronze Statue of Lord Hanuman Unveiled In Sugar Land, TX (8/18/24)? Why Did Nebuchadnezzar Make 90 Foot Tall Gold Statue He Made People Worship? Hanuman Statue In Obama's Pocket?