So Did God Write The Bible ? Scary Truth Behind Original Bible Story Are From Sumerian Tablets

17 hours ago

So Did God Write The Bible ? And Or Are We Pleiadian Starseeds Or Are We Anunnaki From Sumerian Tablets. A Scary Truth Behind The Sumerians And The Original Bible Story. The ultimate answer to why we are all here is we are here because we all wanted to play this game. We are multidimensional beings, not even human in fact, but we wanted to play as humans in the duality, the rough physicality tied to linear time, and the illusion of separateness because we like to play. And because Prime Creator loves us unconditionally, he and Mother Earth agreed to it, and they have been supplying us with their energy for it ever since.

We create everything in cooperation with Prime Creator, everything, including suffering. Not because the Prime Creator wants suffering for us, but because unconditional love allows us to thrive and because Prime Creator knows exactly that no soul can ever really lose anything, because we are all eternal life and not our bodies or our life stories.

Every time a person dies, no matter what kind of life story they have had, they are welcomed into the afterlife with the greatest possible love for them, because it is just a game. In higher dimensions, where we are much closer to home than on Earth, there is no guilt or condemnation, there is only unconditional love and forgiveness. Souls like those played by Adolf Hitler also go to heaven and are received in infinite, healing, forgiving love.

This game is a role-playing game and we program our character traits even before we incarnate into this world as a baby. We choose gender, family, place and always incarnate with a life purpose. Even serial killers incarnate to have the experience of a serial killer for all of us and in the more subtle realms these souls are also supported in their life's work by their angels just like all other souls. It's a role-playing game and we are all eternal life.

Any suffering is forgotten pretty quickly once the story is finished. And we come back every time to play the game until we get tired of it. Then we develop our hearts again and become angelic beings like the Master who became known as Jesus and can then complete the incarnation cycle and return to unity. Prime Creator allows the dualistic games because we wanted the game. It's similar to when we allow our children to play computer games with violence. We don't punish them for playing particularly violently, because it's just a game.

The Creation Of Humanity According To Sumerian Tablets. I think it was about 6 months ago. While researching a topic on the internet, I found myself by chance watching a youtube video about Sumerian tablets. After watching the video series breathlessly for about 3 hours, I dived into more detailed articles ... It was so interesting that I was even trying to solve the cuneiform script at a time. I would like to talk about the Sumerian Tablets that I saw and read on the internet about six months ago by chance ...
It consists of a total of 14 tablets. Especially the 6th and 7th narratives are very interesting ... These are the chapters where the creation of human beings are told.

According to the Sumerian tablets, there is a planet named TIAMAT in the orbit that we call today's asteroid belt. Apart from this, there is another planet in the solar system that the Sumerians call Nibiru. This planet completes one revolution around the sun in 3600 years. Niburu collides with TİAMAT in one of his tours and TİAMAT splits in two. According to the Sumerian Tablets, the broken part of TIAMAT, together with its moon, Moon, forms the Earth by settling between Venus and Mars.

As a result of the power wars between the Nibiru rulers whose atmosphere was damaged by this collision, their former ruler ALALU escapes to the world with a spacecraft. Those in Nibiru need gold dust to eliminate damage from the atmosphere and protect them from the sun's harmful rays. But they don't have enough gold on their own planet. The former ruler Alalu, who escaped to the world while seeking a solution, discovers the existence of gold in the world and gives this information to the Nibiru rulers in return for his forgiveness.

Nibiru ruler ANU is sending a group of 50 people to mine gold to Earth. This group comes to the confluence of Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia. They call this area Sippar. They establish their first settlements and cities here. At the head of the group that came to the world for the first time, there are two siblings whose mothers are different, named ENKİ and ENLİL, sons of ANU. There is a dispute between ENKİ and ENLİL in order to be the heir to power. Those in this group that come to the world are called Anunnaki. In time, the number of Anunnaki coming to Earth reaches 600 and they begin to mine gold.

The Anunnaki extract large quantities of gold from Earth. At first, only the Anunnaki worked in the gold mining for a long time. They suffer a lot because their working conditions are very harsh and tiresome. In the end, they rebel against this heavy working condition and even take their leader ENLIL hostage. Enki saves his brother, promising to find workers to work for them. At that time, there was no such thing as human in the world yet. There are only humanoid ape type primates (Homo Erectus). The Anunaki cannot use them for mining.

The Nibiru Supervisors and the ANU have gathered and decide to create a group of workers to replace the Anunnaki in hard work and be called Adamu. They take the blood of primates and mix this blood first with clay and then with an Anunnaki sperm to create a new life form. The aim of this is to create a race that is more developed than the Homo Erectus species by using the DNA of primates and their own DNA, and to use them as slave workers.

These people will work in mines and other heavy jobs, and when their work is done, they will destroy these people. As a result of this practice, the Homo Sapien man emerges.

Again, as stated in the Sumerian Tablets, the Anunaki know in advance that the Noah's Flood will take place. However, ENLIL's brother ENKI pity the people and does not want them to perish. ENKI calls Noah (in the tablets it is called Utnapishtim) and gives secret information about the flood. He says that human beings should build a ship so that all of them are not destroyed in the flood. He gives a description of the ship to be built for Noah, its measurements and how to do it.

ENKI tells Noah to finish this ship in 7 days and, after taking the determined living pairs on the ship, to close the doors of the ship and wait for the end of the deluge. The rest of it develops in a similar way to the Noah's Flood described in religious books.

These are the records in the Sumerian Tablets. and they were written 5000 years before the oldest scripture, the Torah. The parts of Noah's Flood are mostly compatible with the Torah and the Bible. It partially matches with the Quran, although there are slightly different expressions. However, the parts related to creation are definitely in conflict with the Holy Quran. What is described in these tablets does not conform to belief in Islam. These are what is described in the Sumerian Tablets. There is no personal interpretation of my own anywhere in this article.

Pleiadian starseeds
Pleiadian Starseeds are individuals who originated from the Pleiades star system, located in the Taurus constellation, approximately 444 light-years away from Earth. According to various sources, they are advanced souls seeking evolution and growth, often incarnating on Earth to fulfill specific missions.

Characteristics and Traits

Compassion, empathy, and transformative abilities are hallmarks of Pleiadian Starseeds.
They tend to be surrounded by other Starseeds, often coming to Earth in groups.
Many experience difficult life circumstances, such as dysfunctional families, abuse, and trauma, designed to accelerate their evolution and soul growth.
They may exhibit traits like attention deficit disorders, autism, learning difficulties, and mental health struggles.
Despite these challenges, Pleiadian Starseeds are resilient and tough, with a strong connection to their celestial origins.
Mission and Purpose

Pleiadian Starseeds are believed to bring hope, strength, and courage to humanity during times of transition and transformation.
Their mission may involve healing, teaching, and guiding others, often using their unique abilities to communicate with dimensions and energies beyond the physical realm.
They may be drawn to careers or activities that promote compassion, empathy, and personal growth, such as healing arts, spiritual guidance, or environmental activism.

If you’re a Pleiadian Starseed, you may feel a deep connection to the stars, the universe, and the cosmos.
You may experience vivid dreams or memories of your celestial origins, or feel a sense of “not belonging” on Earth.
You may be surrounded by other Starseeds or feel drawn to like-minded individuals and communities.

Pleiadian Starseeds are advanced souls with a unique set of characteristics, traits, and missions. Their presence on Earth is believed to bring positive change and transformation, and their connection to the universe is a powerful reminder of their celestial origins.

The Annunakis did not create humanity on earth. Humanity is much older than this solar system. The Annunakis are descendants of the Pleiadians and they are also humans in the dimensions where bodies are used.

The Annunakis genetically modified humans who had already been on Earth for a long time in order to exploit them. But the dark forces that have ruled Earth in recent decades have done this too, again and again. Genetics are not only changed in the laboratory, but are also changed mentally, through belief. They have been manipulating people and thus human genetics for a long time with all their fear programs.

Our bodies are what we believe they are. We have been manipulated into believing in things like cancer or incurable diseases and so these errors have been programmed into our genetics. We could be completely free from all diseases, stop and even reverse the aging process if we chose these programs. This is how our genetics are programmed, through faith, through fear or love.

The basic principle of the game on this planet is to first completely forget what you are and, through all the dualistic experiences as victim and perpetrator, to develop compassion and regain an increasingly noble consciousness and thereby remember what you really are. Then the game is over, because duality as it is played here no longer makes sense for a developed, old soul. At some point the development potential is exhausted and the game is over.

Anunnaki in Sumerian Tablets
The Anunnaki were a group of deities in ancient Sumerian mythology, believed to be the offspring of the sky-god An and his consort, the earth goddess Ki. According to Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki played a significant role in the creation of humanity.

Tablets of Destiny

In Sumerian mythology, the “Tablets of Destiny” or “Tablets ME” were a collection of microchips containing vital information for the Anunnaki. These tablets were hidden in Dir.Ga, a bright chamber located at the top of a tower with antennas, and were used to:

Activate or neutralize Anunnaki spacecraft
Control destructive weapons
Store knowledge in laws, decrees, technology, medicine, military techniques, and defense methods
Govern the population
The Tablets of Destiny were said to contain 60 units of information, making them a crucial source of wisdom for the Anunnaki elite.

Connection to Human Creation

According to Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki created modern humans by mixing the blood of primates with clay and Anunnaki sperm. This creation was intended to produce a more developed species, capable of serving as slave workers.

Solar System and Universe Knowledge

The Anunnaki were believed to have advanced knowledge of the Solar System and universe. They were said to have extracted large quantities of gold from Earth, and their working conditions were harsh and tiresome.

Inconsistencies and Lack of Complete Lists

Sumerian texts describe the Anunnaki inconsistently, and no complete list of their names has survived. The group is usually referred to as a cohesive unit in literary texts, with some deities mentioned as members of the Anunnaki, including Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.

Legacy and Influence

The mythology of the Anunnaki and the Tablets of Destiny has had a lasting impact on human culture and imagination. Their stories have been retold and reinterpreted throughout history, influencing various fields such as science fiction, fantasy, and esotericism.

Key Points

The Anunnaki were a group of deities in ancient Sumerian mythology
They were believed to have created modern humans by mixing primate blood with clay and Anunnaki sperm
The Tablets of Destiny were a collection of microchips containing vital information for the Anunnaki
The tablets were used to control spacecraft, weapons, and govern the population
The Anunnaki had advanced knowledge of the Solar System and universe
Sumerian texts describe the Anunnaki inconsistently, with no complete list of their names surviving.

Bible's Scary Hidden Truth
According to some theories, the original Bible story may hold a deeper, unsettling truth. The concept of mental slavery is not a modern idea, but rather an ancient one. The Anunnaki narrative suggests that our cognitive abilities can be influenced and controlled, limiting our potential for higher consciousness. This idea is rooted in Sumerian accounts of encounters with extraterrestrials, which may have shaped the biblical narrative.

Ancient Rituals and Ceremonies

The Bible contains rituals and ceremonies that, upon closer examination, may represent our true origins and potential for higher consciousness. These ancient practices could be seen as attempts to break free from neurological slave settings and live less fearful lives.

The Church’s Response

In the 19th century, the church’s response to Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species led to a suppression of these Sumerian accounts and their potential connections to the Bible. This censorship may have contributed to the perpetuation of mental slavery, as people were not aware of the true origins of their beliefs.

Breaking Free

To free yourself from mental slavery, it is essential to develop self-awareness and consciousness. Pay attention to your thoughts, challenge your assumptions, and be willing to see how conditioned you might be. Start with a desire for the truth, no matter what it may be. As the Bible says, “The truth will set you free” (John 8:31-43).


The idea of emancipating oneself from mental slavery is not new. Marcus Garvey’s 1937 speech, echoed in Bob Marley’s song “Redemption Song,” urges listeners to “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery” and “None but ourselves can free our minds.”

A Love That Transforms

Ultimately, freedom from mental slavery requires a love that can transform our lives and potentially our nations. As the Bible verse suggests, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

By acknowledging the scary truth behind the original Bible story and embracing self-awareness, we can begin to break free from mental slavery and unlock our full potential.

Sumerian Tablets' Biblical Parallels
The Sumerian tablets and the Bible share numerous similarities in their stories, particularly in the accounts of creation and the Great Flood. Here are some key parallels:

Creation stories: Both Sumerian tablets and the Bible describe the creation of humanity and the world. In the Sumerian tablets, the god Enlil creates humans from clay, while in the Bible, God creates humans (Genesis 2:7).
Great Flood: The Sumerian tablets (Eridu Genesis and Epic of Gilgamesh) and the Bible (Genesis 6-9) both recount a catastrophic flood that destroys humanity. In both accounts, a hero (Ziusudra in Sumerian tablets and Noah in the Bible) is warned by a god (Enlil in Sumerian tablets and God in the Bible) and saves his family and animals by building an ark.
Flood’s purpose: Both accounts describe the flood as a means of purifying the world and starting anew. In the Sumerian tablets, the gods decide to destroy humanity due to their noise, while in the Bible, God decides to destroy humanity due to their wickedness.
Similarities in flood narratives: The Sumerian tablets’ Eridu Genesis and the Bible’s Genesis account share similarities in their flood narratives, including the use of a hero, an ark, and a covenant with God.
Differences and Context

While there are similarities, there are also significant differences between the Sumerian tablets and Biblical accounts. The Sumerian tablets are polytheistic, featuring multiple gods and goddesses, whereas the Bible is monotheistic, focusing on a single God. The Sumerian tablets also have multiple creation stories and flood accounts, whereas the Bible has a single, unified narrative.

Influence and Borrowing

Scholars debate the extent to which the Biblical accounts borrowed from Sumerian and other Mesopotamian traditions. While it is clear that the Biblical authors were familiar with these stories, the exact nature of the influence remains unclear. Some argue that the Biblical accounts intentionally refuted or reinterpreted the Sumerian and Mesopotamian stories, while others propose that the similarities are due to shared cultural and literary traditions.


In conclusion, the Sumerian tablets and the Bible share similarities in their creation and flood stories, reflecting a common cultural and literary heritage. However, there are also significant differences in their theological and narrative approaches. The relationship between these ancient texts remains a topic of ongoing scholarly debate and inquiry.

Age of Sumerian Tablets
The Sumerian tablets date back to around 3200 BCE, when they were first developed by Sumerian scribes in the ancient city-state of Uruk, in present-day Iraq. This makes them some of the oldest written records in human history.

Evidence from Search Results:

The snippets from “Sumerian Tablets: A Deeper Understanding of the Oldest Known Written Language” (2023) and “A Stray Sumerian Tablet: Unravelling the story behind Cambridge University Library’s oldest written object” (2018) mention the age of the tablets as around 4,000 years old, specifically 4,200 years old in the latter.
The snippet from “The World’s Oldest Writing” (2024) states that cuneiform writing was first developed around 3200 B.C. by Sumerian scribes in Uruk.
The snippet from “Cuneiform - World History Encyclopedia” (2022) confirms that cuneiform was first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE.

Based on the search results, the Sumerian tablets are estimated to be around 4,000 to 4,200 years old, with the earliest cuneiform writing dating back to around 3200 BCE.

Age of the Bible
The Bible is a collection of texts written by multiple authors over a period of approximately 1,500 years. It’s challenging to pinpoint a single age for the entire Bible, as different parts were written at various times. Here’s a breakdown:

Old Testament

The oldest texts: Some of the oldest surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) date back to the 9th century CE (e.g., the Masoretic Text). However, the events described in the Hebrew Bible took place between the 14th century BC (Genesis, Job) and the 5th century BCE (Esther).
The Pentateuch (Genesis to Deuteronomy): The traditional view is that Moses wrote these five books around 1200-1000 BCE. However, most scholars agree that these texts were compiled and edited over a longer period, with the final form taking shape around 400-200 BCE.
The Prophetic books: The majority of these texts were written between the 8th and 5th centuries BCE.
The Writings (Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc.): These texts were written over a longer period, with some dating back to the 10th century BCE (Psalms) and others to the 3rd or 4th centuries BCE (Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon).

New Testament

The earliest texts: The oldest surviving manuscripts of the New Testament date back to the 4th century CE (e.g., Codex Sinaiticus).
The composition of the New Testament books: Most scholars agree that the New Testament books were written between 50-150 CE, with the majority being composed in the 1st century CE.
In summary

The oldest texts in the Bible date back to around 1400 BC (Genesis or Job).
The majority of the Old Testament was written between the 8th and 5th centuries BCE.
The New Testament was composed largely in the 1st century CE.
The oldest surviving manuscripts of both the Old and New Testaments date back to the 4th century CE.
Keep in mind that these dates are approximate and subject to ongoing scholarly debate. The Bible’s complex history of composition, editing, and transmission makes it challenging to pinpoint exact dates. Nevertheless, this breakdown provides a general understanding of the Bible’s age and development over time.

Bible Origins in Sumerian Tablets
The search results reveal intriguing connections and contrasts between the Sumerian tablets and the Bible, particularly in their creation stories and flood narratives. While there are similarities, such as the theme of a great flood, the accounts differ significantly in their theological and cosmological frameworks.

Monotheism vs. Polytheism

The Bible presents a monotheistic creation account, attributing the universe and humanity to a single, all-powerful God. In contrast, the Sumerian tablets depict a polytheistic worldview, featuring multiple gods and goddesses involved in the creation process.

Creation Stories

The Sumerian tablets contain multiple creation stories, including the Epic of Ziusudra and the Atrahasis Epic, which describe the creation of humans and the world. These stories differ from the biblical account of Genesis 1-2, which presents a straightforward, linear creation narrative.

Flood Narratives

The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and the biblical account of Noah’s Ark share similarities, such as a great flood that destroys humanity. However, the Sumerian version features a king, Ziusudra, who survives the flood, whereas the biblical account centers around Noah and his family.

King Lists and Genealogy

Sumerian king lists and biblical genealogy exhibit disparities, suggesting that the biblical accounts may have been influenced by Sumerian records, but with significant modifications.

Theological and Cosmological Frameworks

The Bible’s creation account is grounded in a theistic worldview, emphasizing divine intention and purpose. In contrast, the Sumerian tablets reflect a more mythological and cosmological understanding of the world, with gods and goddesses shaping the universe and human destiny.


While the Sumerian tablets and biblical accounts share some similarities, their fundamental differences in theology, cosmology, and narrative structure cannot be ignored. The Bible’s monotheistic framework and creation account are distinct from the polytheistic and mythological narratives found in the Sumerian tablets. Therefore, it is inaccurate to conclude that God directly wrote the Bible based solely on similarities with Sumerian tablets. Instead, these ancient texts offer valuable insights into the cultural and theological contexts of their respective civilizations, highlighting the unique characteristics of each.

Sumerian King Tablet Lists
The Sumerian King List is an ancient Mesopotamian manuscript that records the kings of Sumer, listing their names, lengths of reign, and cities of rule. The list is a compilation of various sources, compiled to legitimize the claims to power of city-states and kingdoms in southern Mesopotamia during the late third and early second millennium BC.

Key Features

Lists 79 kings, including some with uncertain or mythical status
Covers a period from approximately 2900 to 1792 BC
Includes kings from various cities, such as Kish, Ur, Uruk, and Lagash
Reign lengths vary greatly, ranging from 6 to 360 years
Some kings have epithets or descriptions, while others are anonymous

Challenges and Limitations

The list is fragmented and incomplete, with some tablets missing or damaged
Dates and reign lengths may be approximate or inconsistent
The list’s purpose and intended audience are unclear
Some entries may be mythical or symbolic rather than historical records

The Sumerian King List provides valuable insights into the political and cultural history of ancient Mesopotamia
It offers a unique perspective on the concept of kingship and monarchy in ancient societies
The list’s inconsistencies and contradictions have sparked ongoing scholarly debate and research

Sumerian Tablets of 79 Kings
Based on the provided search results, here is a comprehensive list of 79 ancient Sumerian kings mentioned in various Sumerian King Lists:

Note: The list includes kings from different cities and dynasties, and the dates provided are approximate.

En-men-gal-ana (ruler for 28,800 years)
Dumuzid, the shepherd (ruler for 36,000 years)
3 kings (rulers for 108,000 years)
En-sipad-zid-ana (ruler for 28,800 years)
En-men-dur-ana (ruler for 21,000 years)
Ubara-Tutu (ruler for 18,600 years)
Alulim (ruler for 28,800 years)
Alalngar (ruler for 36,000 years)
En-men-lu-ana (ruler for 43,200 years)
En-men-gal-ba (ruler for 28,800 years)
Dumuzid, son of En-me-baragesi (ruler for 100 years)
Aba (ruler for 600 years)
Macda (ruler for 840 years)
Arwium (ruler for 720 years)
Etana (ruler for 1,500 years)
En-me-baragesi (ruler for unknown years)
En-shag-kush-ana (ruler for unknown years)
Kug-Bau (ruler for 100 years)
Lugal-Ane-mundu (ruler for 90 years)
Nanni (ruler for 120 years)
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II (ruler for 48 years)
Three kings of Awan (rulers for 35,600 years)
En-shag-kush-ana (ruler for unknown years)
Puzur-Suen (ruler for 25 years)
Ur-Zababa (ruler for 400 years)
Zimudar (ruler for 30 years)
Usi-watar (ruler for 7 years)
Eshtar-muti (ruler for 11 years)
Ishme-Shamash (ruler for 11 years)
Nanniya (ruler for 7 years)
Susuda (ruler for 201 years)
Dadasig (ruler for 81 years)
Mamagal (ruler for 360 years)
Kalbum (ruler for 195 years)
Tuge (ruler for 360 years)
Men-nuna (ruler for 180 years)
Lugalngu (ruler for 360 years)
Anbu (ruler for 30 years)
Anba (ruler for 17 years)
Bazi (ruler for 30 years)
Zizi of Mari (ruler for 20 years)
Limer (ruler for 30 years)
Sharrum-iter (ruler for 9 years)
Unzi (ruler for 30 years)
Undalulu (ruler for 6 years)
Urur (ruler for 6 years)
Puzur-Nirah (ruler for 20 years)
Ishu-Il (ruler for 24 years)
Shu-Suen of Akshak (ruler for 7 years)
Ur-ningin (ruler for 7 years)
Ur-gigir (ruler for 6 years)
Kuda (ruler for 6 years)
Puzur-ili (ruler for 5 years)
Ur-Utu (ruler for 25 years)
En-me-baragesi (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s son (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
En-me-baragesi’s great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson (ruler for unknown years)
Please note that the list includes some kings with unknown lengths of reign, and some kings with unclear or disputed names. Additionally, the dates provided are approximate and based on the available information.

Sumerian King List vs Bible
Similarities and Differences between the Sumerian King List and the Bible

The Sumerian King List and the Bible share some intriguing similarities, despite being from different cultures and time periods. Here’s a breakdown:


Antediluvian rulers: Both accounts feature rulers who lived before a great flood. In the Sumerian King List, these rulers are said to have reigned for extremely long periods (up to 30,150 years). In the Bible, the antediluvian patriarchs, such as Adam and Noah, lived before the Flood.
Genealogical connections: Both lists provide genealogical information, linking rulers and patriarchs to each other. In the Sumerian King List, kings are listed as sons or descendants of previous rulers. Similarly, the Bible presents a genealogical table of patriarchs and kings.
Flood narrative: Both accounts feature a catastrophic flood that wipes out humanity. In the Sumerian King List, the flood is mentioned as a transition point between the antediluvian and post-diluvian eras. In the Bible, the Flood is a pivotal event in the story of humanity.

Chronology: The Sumerian King List’s chronology is based on sexagesimal (base-60) arithmetic, which can be confusing for modern readers. The Bible, on the other hand, uses decimal arithmetic.
Length of reigns: The Sumerian King List attributes extremely long reigns to its antediluvian rulers (up to 30,150 years). In contrast, the Bible’s patriarchs lived for much shorter periods (e.g., Methuselah lived 969 years).
Purpose: The Sumerian King List was likely created to legitimize the claims of various city-states and kingdoms in ancient Mesopotamia. The Bible, as a sacred text, aims to convey divine revelation and the story of humanity’s relationship with God.
Historical context: The Sumerian King List dates back to around 2100 BC, while the Bible’s composition and editing occurred over several centuries, with the earliest texts written around 1200 BC.

Independent origins: The similarities between the Sumerian King List and the Bible suggest that both accounts drew from a common cultural and mythological heritage, rather than borrowing directly from each other.
Historical accuracy: The Sumerian King List’s chronology and genealogies are often considered unreliable by modern historians, while the Bible’s historical accuracy is a subject of ongoing debate and scholarly investigation.
Symbolic significance: Both accounts feature symbolic and mythological elements, such as the Flood and the antediluvian rulers. These elements may have been used to convey deeper truths about human nature, morality, and the relationship between humans and the divine.
In conclusion, while the Sumerian King List and the Bible share some intriguing similarities, their differences in chronology, purpose, and historical context highlight the unique characteristics of each text.

Anunnaki in Sumerian Tablets
According to Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki were a group of divine beings who originated from the planet Nibiru, also known as the 12th planet. They were believed to have arrived on Earth around 450,000 years ago, as described in the Sumerian tablets.

Creation of Humanity

The Sumerian tablets reveal that the Anunnaki, led by Enki, created humanity by mixing the blood of primates with their own DNA. This was done to create a slave race to work in the gold mines of Mesopotamia. The tablets describe the process of creating humans as a deliberate act of engineering, with the Anunnaki using their advanced technology to shape and mold the primates into a new species.

Roles and Functions

The Sumerian tablets also depict the Anunnaki as having various roles and functions:

Judges of Fate: In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki are described as judges of the dead, determining the fate of human beings.
Heavenly Beings: Initially associated with the heavens, the Anunnaki were later depicted as having a greater role in earthly affairs.
Creators of Humanity: As mentioned earlier, the Anunnaki created humanity through their genetic engineering.
Enlil and Enki

Two prominent Anunnaki figures mentioned in the Sumerian tablets are Enlil and Enki:

Enlil: Regarded as the most prominent Anunnaki, Enlil was the god of air and chief god of the Sumerian pantheon.
Enki: A child of the Sumerian supreme deity An, Enki was associated with wisdom, magic, and the creation of humanity.
Ancient Alien Theory

Some scholars, such as Zecharia Sitchin, have interpreted the Sumerian tablets as evidence of ancient aliens visiting Earth. Sitchin’s translations of the tablets describe the Anunnaki as extraterrestrial beings from Nibiru, who came to Earth to mine gold and eventually created humanity.


The Sumerian tablets provide a unique glimpse into the mythology and cosmology of ancient Mesopotamia, revealing the Anunnaki as powerful, otherworldly beings who played a significant role in the creation and shaping of human civilization. While interpretations of the tablets vary, they remain a fascinating window into the ancient world’s understanding of the divine and the origins of humanity.

King James 1566-1625 The Black King Who Had The Bible Translated Into English -

King James, was the 1st King of England born 1566-1625 and he was the first to rule Scotland and Northern Island at the same time. In 1603 he commissioned a scholars to have the bible translated into English and make it available to all English speaking people throughout the world. It’s a little known fact that he was a Black man who ruled these countries in Europe.

In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Most Evil Christians In World King James Bible 1611 -

In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history,” asked a conservative and have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst In The Name Of Jesus ? Who ? 

Jesus,” which later employed the letter “J,” is a derivation It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.”

Note in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous.

The 80 books of the King James Version include 39 books of the Old Testament, 14 books of Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament.

The Letter “J” did not Exist - -
The Son of Elohim was not a White Guy with an English Name, speaking Greek.

One of the most asked questions of the century. How can the Messiah’s Name be Jesus if the letter “J” did not exist 500 years ago?

The Messiah walked on earth about 2,000 years ago. If the letter and sound of “J” did not exist when the Messiah walked on this earth, what was His Name?

In the English Alphabet, the letter “J” was originally used for the letter “I”. The first to distinguish the difference between the letter “J” and the letter “I” was in Gian Giorgio’s 1524 “I” and “J” were originally the same letter but different shapes both equally the same letter.

According to the history of the English Alphabet, the official and original sound of the letter “J” was the sound of “Y” in “yet” or “yellow”.

The very first English-language book to make clear distinction between the sound of “I” and the sound of “J” was not written until 1634. It wasn’t until then, after the 1611 Bible was published, that the English language officially accepted the shape and sound of the letter “J” as “jay” and no longer the “yuh” “Y” sound.

Jehovah or Jesus are Man made Names, with Man Made Doctrines. Tricked, Bait & Switch. Now after Reading this Post, you are No Longer Tricked. From this Point on you’re making a Choice who to follow.

A Savior Created by the Church of Constantine the Great; “Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Savior a different way.”

This is not the Savior Yahu’sha, this is a different one, that is followed a different way, his name is Jesus. The one we are warned would came in His name, the one told you would accept, while you reject the True Master. We were Warned and we Can see just how True it is.

Jesus Rejected in His Name
The Bible warns of a false Jesus who would come in His name, deceiving many (Matthew 24:5, 11). Conversely, Jesus Himself proclaimed that He would accept those who truly believed in Him (John 6:37). However, despite this promise, many rejected the True Master, Jesus Christ.

Pharisaical Rejection

The Pharisees, who claimed to know God’s will, rejected Jesus as the Messiah (Luke 7:29-30). They were blinded to the truth, refusing to acknowledge Jesus’ miracles and teachings (Matthew 12:1-14, 22-37). Their rejection was a fulfillment of Scripture, as Jesus quoted Isaiah 29:13, saying, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Matthew 15:8).

John the Baptist’s Inquiry

John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus and witnessed God’s affirmation of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17), sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Messiah (Luke 7:18-23). Jesus responded by citing His miracles, demonstrating His divine authority (Matthew 11:4-6). This answer was meant to confirm John’s understanding and alleviate any doubts.

The True Master’s Acceptance

Despite humanity’s propensity for rejection, Jesus accepts those who come to Him in faith (John 6:37). He does not force His acceptance, but rather, it is granted by the Father (John 6:65). This acceptance is not based on human merit but on God’s sovereign election (Romans 8:30).


The paradox of rejection highlights the complexities of human nature and the nature of God. While many reject Jesus, the True Master, He remains willing to accept those who genuinely seek Him. This acceptance is a testament to God’s mercy and love, despite humanity’s propensity for rebellion and rejection.

This is a chronological list of international or colonial world's fairs.'s_fairs
All elaborate temporary fairgrounds built are removed after the fair is over.

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 0 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Exploring Tartaria - Old World Secrets Revealed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 1 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part I - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 2 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Timeline Deception - Part II - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 3 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The King of Tartaria - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 4 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - Relics, Reliquaries, & The First Resurrection

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 5 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Saints - The Ruling Class - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 6 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
From Atheism, Agnosticism, New Age, Protestantism, to Roman Catholicism

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 7 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
The Millennial Kingdom of God - Exploring Tartaria

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 8 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Magic of the White City 1893 Chicago World's Fair

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 9 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
1000 Years Added To Our History & Dark Ages Never Existed

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 10 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Church History - Complete Documentary AD 33 to Present

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 11 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Christmas Unveiled - Pied Piper - Templars Secret - Saturn's Workshop - Giants Stealing Children

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 12 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Ancient Cloning Factories - Foundlings - Incubators - Test-Tube Babies

Real Timeline Of Deception Part 13 Exploring Tartaria 1000 Years
Homunculus Unveiled - Jesus - Artificial Generation - Liber Vaccae - Lost Esoteric Secrets

Archaix Chronology Anunnaki Sumerian Gods Crystalinks Timelines 2040B.C. 2046A.D.

Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology; exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046.

The Lost History of Earth (Ewaranon) W0W - A Must See Video Lost Earth
Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

The Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell Knowledge of the Heavens, Life on Earth

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity

This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball What The Hell Happened 200 Times Collection

Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball When a photo of spherical Earth is pointed out to flat-earthers, they will dismiss it as CGI in the blink of an eye; even if they haven’t done any analysis at all. They do this because their belief in flat-Earth is not evidence-based, and any evidence contrary to their beliefs needs to be invalidated no matter how. They are so used to doing it, and sometimes they become confused by it themselves, to the point that they would take the slightest hint of digital manipulation of any picture of the Earth as evidence of the flat Earth.

Mystery The World's Fairs 00 This Evidence Hidden History Chronological All World’s Fair's -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 01 London 1851 Crystal Palace Works Industry All Nations -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 02 Paris 1855 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 1 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 03​ Paris 1867 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 2 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 04​ Philadelphia 1876 Fair Centennial International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 05 Paris 1878 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 3 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 06 Paris 1889 World's Fair Exposition Universelle de Paris # 4 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 07​ Chicago 1893 World's Fair World's Columbian Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 08 Lyon 1894 Fair L'Exposition Internationale et Coloniale -

Mystery The World's Fairs 09​ Nashville Tennessee 1897 Centennial International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 10 Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 1 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 11​ Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 2 -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 12 Buffalo 1901 New York World's Fair Pan American Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 13 St. Louis 1904 World's Fair Louisiana Purchase Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 14 Louisiana 1904 Purchase Exposition St. Louis World's Fair -

Mystery The World's Fairs 15​ Seattle 1909 World's Fair Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 16​ San Francisco 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 17​ 1962 Seattle Chronological All International World’s Fair's -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World's Fairs 18 Before The World's Fair 1851 Thru 1974 -

Chicago Old Museum Tell About 1,000 Year 19 Old World History Of 1893 World's Fair -

Chilaga Where Chicago Is Now On Map 20 of America and 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story 21 Ever Un-told Rewriting Recorded History -

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity

This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story Ever Un-Told Video Very Old 900 Images -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World 2,100 Photographs Ultimate Compilation 2024 -

World We Inherited Old World Photographs Over 1,000 Images Before 1900s Era -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Or Maybe The History we've been told is a lie! Were some ancient buildings built by a different race and their true history was covered up? Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten?

Was the massive kingdom of Tartarian visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc.

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 1 Buried in Plain Sight - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Video LHFE Part 2 Lens Into the Past - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Earth LHFE Part 3 Inheritors Mud, Magnificence - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 4 Back to the Future - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 5 Whispering of the Water - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 6 Offer Us And Alchemist - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 7 The Known World - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 8 History Of A Lost Earth - All 7 Parts Together -

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Were there giants on earth? Did we worship them as gods? Did they teach us secret knowledge about architecture, medicine, astronomy and our origins? Are they the creators of the star cities, the complex canal systems and grid patterns found all over the planet? Perhaps Earth was a gigantic terraforming project. Was free aether energy replaced with messy energy extraction from limited resources to enslave humanity? Were star cities used for energy production and energetic protection from our enemies? What role did frequencies play in the creation of highly complex star forms?

Are we suffering from a collective memory loss?

Is history nothing more than an artificial matrix of repetitive events, created for the purpose of suppressing our true potential?

Who benefits from keeping humanity asleep?

Who are we really, and where do we come from?

Why does it seem that more truth is found in the ancient stories and myths of our ancestors than our textbooks and modern scientific research? Does our amnesia keep us from accessing these collective memories found in ancient myths? Is that lost part of humanity the reason modern life is so cold and hostile?

Nothing is as it seems. It's time for us to remember again.

First it got dark. Then the strangers came. They come when we sleep. In search of something to prevent their mortality. To steal our thoughts. Our soul distinguishes us from them. To erase our memories. To destroy all that makes us human. Nothing is as seems. It's time for us to remember again.

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (1) Turning Inward Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (2) Of Maps and Magicians Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (3) Flattening The Curve Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (4) Vanishing Points and The Old Clock -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (5) The Red Shield Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (6) Infiltration Instead of Invasion -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (7) Eyes Wide Open Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (8) The Looking Glass Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (9) Panic ! So A Must See Video Today -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (10) The Energetic Earth A Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (11) The Bumblebee and The Hexagon -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (12) Stranger Than Fiction Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (13) Down The Rabbit Hole Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together 8hrs. 12mins. -

A Must See Video What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 0 - Post-Reset War of the 19th Century). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us.

Stolen History Part 0 - The Post-Reset War of the 19th Century - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 1 - Introduction).
The official version of human history is a construct of lies.
We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?

Stolen History Part 1 - Lifting the Veil of Deception - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 2 - Destruction of the Old World Stolen). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. Our we in a state of collective amnesia.

Stolen History Part 2 - The Destruction old World - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 3 - Mystery of the World's Fairs). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. This part covers the World's Fairs and the period in which they took place.

Stolen History Part 3 - The Mystery of the World's Fairs - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Some available information suggests that even after the worldwide, game-changing event we call the Reset or Mud Flood, there still remained countless complete and beautiful cities that were conquered by a new power elite and then repurposed as "World's Fairs".

Especially in America, the so-called New World, the many Greco-Roman cities would have been difficult to explain because in contrast to Europe, the Americas do not have an official greco-roman history.

The more carefully one investigates, the more difficult it becomes to find plausible explanations for the construction and destruction of these extraordinary and huge exhibition areas.

We at this channel would like to add this quote for everyone to open your own mind this year: Your body diet is not only what you eat. It is also what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang out with and the things you subject your mind, body and soul too. Always be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically. Thank You Everyone Who Watch Our Video's To Help Other In 2024

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