The ADL's Deepest Darkest Secret, and How to Stop Global Fascism! | WE in 5D: In Essence I've Waited Close to a Decade for Alex to Cover and Tackle This as Accurately as THIS.
RFK Jr. Just Handed the Presidency to Trump! — Kim Iverson | WE in 5D: Is Robert the REAL Jr. Kennedy Closest to the Q Fantasy? I Bet White Hats Consulted Their A.I. for the Best Way to Collab w/ RFK Jr. and a Better Combination Than VP Came Up!
“L.A.W.”—Land, Air, and Water. FYI: 99.9% Who Want to Correct Their “Straw Man Status” aren’t Even CLOSE to Ready.. You’d be LOST Attempting to Wield Your Sovereignty. There’s Still Much to Self-Learn of That. | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
THE DIETARY LAW, FORBIDDEN FOODS IN THE BIBLE: SHRIMP, CRAB & CRAWFISH IS AN ABOMINATION UNTO YOU.🕎Leviticus 11:1-47 “These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins & scales in the waters, in the seas, in the rivers”