Dachshund Loses His Marbles When Allowed To Play On The Bed

9 years ago

Our parents always warned us about jumping on the bed. It is dangerous, they said. But kids will be kids and most of us probably kept doing it, despite our parents’ warnings! There is something about things that are forbidden to us; they instantly become that much more fun to do!

It is the same with this little pupper. Pepper the Dachshund was told he should not get on the bed under no circumstances. Usually the pup understands these limitations, although we can’t say for sure that he has absolutely never gone on the bed when his owner’s not watching. Still, being the good pup that Pepper is, his owner allows him to indulge in the sweet, sweet time that is jumping on the bed and this is what it looks like.

The furry bolt of energy zaps from one end of the bed to the other before you can even blink, clearly out of his little mind that yes, finally, he is being allowed to climb on the bed! He barely made it up, but when he got to the top, he seems to have lost all his damn marbles. Yippee!

We could speculate here that the reason our pet companions love being on the furniture instead of on the ground next to it is because they want to be close to us, their humans. We are the alpha leaders of the pack that is our family and of course, everyone wants to sneak up and be closer to the alpha.

It seems that, for our pets, being allowed on the bed is the equivalent of being allowed to sit with the cool kids at lunch time. Oh, yeah!

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