A Job Destroyer: The Speed of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Is 'Like a Tsunami' Klaus Schwab: "In Davos, for example, we are sometimes accused of rigorous globalization."
100,000 people demonstrate in the Czech capital #Prague against high #energy prices, against the globalist elites, and against the self-destructive boomerang #sanctions of the #Russia embargo,
WHO 2022 Summit "Dr". Tedros, Explains Why His Vision of Stripping the Sovereign Rights of 194 Countries in a Global Pandemic Treaty Will Last “Maybe Even for Centuries to Come” Lockdowns and mandates by globalists order, forever.
Rallies in Rome. People marched through the streets demanding the country's exit from the EU and NATO, as well as the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.
'It's a Religion': Tucker Sounds off on the Woke Church of Gender Ideology "No sane person could believe any of this voluntarily — it doesn't even make sense on its face.
Dr. Altman joined us to discuss the reasons why all those who took part in the biggest crime committed against humanity cannot claim incompetence - the evidence is too overwhelming.
EU MP Christine Anderson says there is no way she is taking it. Miss & Dysinformation is coming from government agencies and BIG PHARMA and not doctors or the public. The world needs her insights and courage! Must see!
Extreme new Australian legislation introduced in WA which allows for unspecified “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facility of their choosing, and keep people there indefinitely.....