Government Of Canada Document Admits To Use Of mRNA For Biodigital Convergence (IOB) - Documents Prove Government Contracted With W.E.F. For (KTDI) Known Traveler Digital ID
Dr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of a buildup of spike protein in the body, from inflammation to autoimmune disease. “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen.”
DIVOC: The Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing or DIVOC is an open-source platform that enables countries to digitally orchestrate large-scale health campaigns such as vaccination and certification programs.
These people never joke and tell the truth a lot of times so that everyone chooses the vaccines in their own free will having the information, But Not the complete information of course but enough so that free will is respected.
CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells (2019) - ETH Zurich - Exploring Biodigital Convergence Policy Horizons Canada - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: IT'S ALL CONNECTED!