Devin Nunes | With Doctor McCullough & Julie Green | Why Will Government Not Approve TRUTH to Gain Access to Public Markets? Why Did Biden’s Health Admin Vow to Strip Medicaid Funding from Providers Who Refuse Transgender Surgeries?
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "I'm Originally from San Diego, California. We Are In Technology & Cyber Security. Oh, It's Fun! Very Vibrant. Alot of Good Music Too! It's Practical & You Can Apply It Immediately!" - Chri
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If You Have to Show Unique Digital ID Before You Can Do Anything, Like Maybe Entering a Super Market or Buying Anything, Then They Have Effectively Forced You to Role Your Sleeve Up." - Dr. Michael Yeadon
RVM Network REPLAY: Behind The Network, Teryn Gregson, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, Zeek Arkham, Michael Rectenwald, Gad Saad, Drew Berquist, Tom Cunningham & RVM Roundup with Chad Caton 8.11.23
GOLD | "The Chairman of the Gold Shanghai Exchange Said the Shanghai Gold Exchange Will Change the Current Gold Market With Its Consumed In the East, But Priced In the West Arrangement. True Price of Gold Will Be Revealed."