Chemical Colony Collapse -- 90 Second Alert -- "Air pollution is changing the way flowers smell, leaving pollinators lost and the ecosystem in peril." Are we next?
WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING? (2012) An investigation into one of the many agendas associated with chemtrail/geoengineering programs (weather control)
Geoengineering – The HUMAN THREAT to Humanity and ALL OTHER LIFE on Planet Earth | Conversation with Dane Wigington -- Find links to the mentioned Milgram Obedience Study & other geoengineering documentaries BELOW in the description 👇🏼👇🏼
[With Subtitles] THE NET ZERO EFFECT OF GRAZING CATTLE IS NEGATIVE: Grazing and Photosynthesis - Understanding the Carbon Cycle on a Cattle Ranch -- Find Many Links to Climate Documentaries Below This Video in the Description Section