⛈QLD ⚡️ FLOODS - 🌪 Man Made ☠️!!! 25-2-22

3 years ago

I KNOW this is an OLD video - but they have done it again AND worse this time ... The HAARP frequency beams you see in the Radar photo - is what is holding the CURRENT Flooding storm in place-- ON PURPOSE
Just like the QLD flood of 2011 that ripped through Grantham & Murphy's Creek - We have ANOTHER MAN MADE FLOOD folks...
add to that HAARP going crazy over Brisbane, Queensland - Australia to HOLD this storm in one spot for almost 72 hours now.

# 1 A -- lol.... one of your who's is Your Federal government... Check out Sub-Section 7 .... :- )

# 1 B - Anna Bligh Buys Rain Making Technology of the king of thailand
Published in Sydney Morning Herald paper - 11 years ago... -- For SOME REASON ???? Why wouldnt they put this front page of Courier Mail I wonder.....
wouldnt you think this is something a QLD newspaper should tells its people ??? NOPE...
11 years ago .... 2022 - 11 = 2011..... What year was the last QLD flood ??? hhhmmmmmm connected the dots I hope mate...

You only have to google " Geo-Engineering On The Australian Federal Government Website" --- to see that CHEMTRAILS - HAARP and Weather Warfare are no longer just a Theory -.

You could also GOOGLE = " Operation Popeye " - so YES again... Weather Modification has been going on a verrrrrrry long time..
Time for you to LOOK UP -- WAKE UP & SPEAK UP !!!!
They need to stop Cloud Seeding in Australia and let Nature get back to normal.

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ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian

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