Prince on the Contractual Games You Opt in to (Which is Fine as a Choice, But it's More a Programming). You are Rarely Willing to Change the Game (and You Can). It'll REMAIN DIFFICULT Til You Stop Looking Outside of You, and CHANGE IT YOURSELF!
Nino Rodriguez Interviews Kerry Cassidy: “Sound of Freedom” Review, Law of Attraction—Kerry Reminds Us WE ARE GOD (+ God and the Foolish "Polarity Game" the Average is Stuck in), Elites (Black & White Hats) Who Play God, and More!
The Durham Report is ACTUALLY About Obama. And 2024 Will be a Testament to Humanity’s Cognitive [Consciousness] as a Whole—Interestingly the Same General Time That Some Associate the Great Solar Flash with. #FoodForThought #DontGetCarriedAway