Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Flash Review - SPOILERS

4 months ago

Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft Flash Review - SPOILERS


Well, I finally finished watching the Netflix animated series, 'Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft'. What did I think about it?

Errrrrrr… It exists?

I can't say I absolutely hated it, but I can't say I particularly enjoyed it either. This feels a lot like there was a game pitch that failed to make the cut and, instead, got made as a cartoon.

This is the Crystal Dynamics reboot of Lara, not the Core Design Lara. Nor is it even the Tomb Raider Legend to Underworld Lara, despite the presence of a newly gay Zip. No, this is the always crying, constantly-endangering, relying-on, friendship-abusing-of Jonah Lara. He was supposed to be getting married to that chick from Shadow of the Tomb raider, but, no, Lara comes first. I always said he was being eternally friend-zoned.

Anyway, Lara's nemesis in this game, er, series is Charles Devereaux, who sounds familiar, but I don't think has featured in Tomb Raider lore until now. He and Lara share some sort of history that's kind of explored, but, to be honest, I wasn't paying attention. Same goes for Camilla Roth, a childhood friend of Lara, with double side shave and French gusto. To be honest, she reminded me of Nicole Collard from Broken Sword.

Anyhoo, after some globetrotting escapades, with Devereaux using a mystical macguffin to possess and control innocent people, they all end up in China, or somewhere. Not once does Lara mention the Dagger from Tomb Raider 2. There's a bit of a boss fight and Devereaux is defeated, but the world is still going to end, so the macguffin must be returned to somewhere or other. That's sorted out, obviously and a furry T-Rex is killed by Lara's newly-gifted double pistols.

Then she gives most of her and her family's treasures away before going off to save a friend from what might be season 2, if we get one.

Yeah, it happened. It wasn't great. Despite being pretty action-packed, the show was, frankly, quite boring. I realise that sounds weird, but it took me quite a few sessions to get through the 8 episodes because it didn't grab me. The animation was decent. So that's a plus. Hayley Atwell, though, sounds like a great Lara and I want to see her cast as live-action Lara in the Amazon TV show. Sign my petition. Link in description!


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