Sound Of Freedom - What Have You Done Since You've Seen The Movie To Stop The Child Sex Slave Trafficking? It's Time To Ban The Voting Machines & SAVE GOD'S CHILDREN!
Business Coach | The Success Mindset | With Franchise Brand Developer, Matt Kline + “Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it.” - Jeff Olson
Ryan Wimpey | Ryan Wimpey Success Story + Outwitting the Devil Co-Author Sharon Lechter Interview (Part 2) + "It’s definitely gotten a lot better. We’ve got a lot of systems & marketing in place now. I don’t even worry about marketing anymo
Central Bank Digital Currencies | How Will CBDCs Work? "In the Future You Will Just Wave Your Hand Because You've Got the Microchip RFID Under Your Skin. Universal Basic Income, Because Now We Have the Technology for the Microchip Implant."