We are winning - Still work to do - Gratitude Bobby is leading the charge!

3 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/ )

I've been 44 years at the National Cancer Institute, for 22 of those 44 and then in every level of industry. So I never thought we would be liberated, is the word, to have the conversation again. The day after the election, we knew that, as Charlie said earlier, that we're vigilant and we have to keep working and seeing and not get complacent and wait for it to happen. So now we see what working together will do. So I'm actually in Idaho at the Karlfeldt Center, a natural healing center. Michael Karlfeldt, Misty with Health Freedom Idaho and just the whole team that we were working with since 17 when we met each other. And, of course, Bobby knew all of this then. So just the appointment of Bobby as the head of the Health and Human Services all the way down, that is the FDA, that is the CDC, that is the NIH, that is, you know, that is the funding by way of the Senate Majority Leader. So now he truly has the power to do everything we said in in 2019 before the Plandemic.

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 11/16/2024 - https://therealdrjudy.com/about-dr-judy

Charlie Ward Insiders Club replay: https://rumble.com/v5sm4nn-charlie-ward-insiders-club-with-dr-judy-mikovits-and-paul-woodly.html

Karlfeldt Center: https://www.thekarlfeldtcenter.com/

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