3 years ago339 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 193 Dead, After COVID ShotBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoNew Zealand Market that demanded vaccines down 60%. Unvaxxed started their own & are killing it!Bullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
7 years agoStyx SuperCut: Trump Fires James ComeyBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoFauci admits he funded GAIN OF FUNCTION research in 2018 videoBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoLivestream Melbourne Protests - Now we march!Bullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoVICTORIAN HEALTH SYSTEM: Staff shortages putting the health system under increasing pressureBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoNikoloz Basilashvili Drops out Of Sydney ATP Cup After Struggling To BreatheBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoCraig Kelly speaks at Melbourne ProtestBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoCDC: How many of the 836,000 deaths in the U.S. linked to Covid are from/with Covid?Bullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoWorld #1 Novak Djokovic vs Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews over Vaccine ExemptionsBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoAustralian Pastor speaks truth of what's happeningBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
7 years agoSyria: False Flags & Funding TerroristsBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
8 years agoJehovah's Witnesses Child Sex Cover Up [Bite Size Bullshit]Bullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
1 year agoPentagon Bullshitter John Kirby Suddenly Embraces 1st Amendment When Asked About Pro-Hamas AgitatorsQanon76Verified
3 years agoGarland Favorito @VoterGA responds to Garrett Archer's explanation for the 74k votes in ArizonaBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoVictorian Police hospitalised another peaceful protesterBullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics
3 years agoLivestream: Melbourne Protest (Millions March For Freedom)Bullshit Man - Analyzing the bullshit in news and politics