2 years ago🎺🎺Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 26 Allegro VivaceThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years agoTrumpeter´s Lullaby w/ Heinz Karl Schwebel [Álbum Outono Perdido / Lost Autumn] - Trumpet SoloThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years agoUnder Western Skies for 2 trumpets and piano, I-Sunup [Heinz Karl Schwebel & Ayrton Banck] (duet)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
4 years agoMorricone A Fistful of Dollars (Per un pugno di dollari) por André de Souza, trumpetThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
5 years agoWurm 45 Easy Etudes for Trumpet - 18 Tempo di MarciaThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #02 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺🎺 [TRUMPET ETUDE] BOUSQUET 36 Celebrated Studies for the Cornet - #03 por Helder Passinho Jr.The channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 21 Allegro VivaceThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 24 Allegro RisolutoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
2 years ago🎺🎺Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 17 Allegro MoltoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 09 Tempo GiustoThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺Kopprasch 60 Studies for Trumpet - 10 Allegro VivaceThe channel for Trumpeters of all levels
3 years ago🎺🎺 [TRUMPET METHOD] Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method Book 2 - SCALES 04 (All Melodic Minor Scales)The channel for Trumpeters of all levels