Amightywind Prophecy 89 - SECRETS OF THE RUACH HA KODESH! Mysteries with sheer ANOINTED POWER & WISDOM when we pray and abide in PRECIOUS IMMAYAH, THE HOLY SPIRIT in YAHUSHUA'S NAME. SHE is just Waiting to Help & Teach
Prophecy 49 Excerpts - YAH Teaches us clearly about the Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation periods. And "Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate.."
Re-upload Because 1st Time Did Not Work: Penn State: Jeff, Jon & Myself Start Preaching, Then Crowd Is Drawn, I Stomp On Koran, Homosexual Rages At Jeff, We All Pray For Him, Homosexual Blares Boom Box, I Pray Boom Box Breaks & Then It Breaks!