5.30.22: The INFORMATION WAR continues...Mo Brooks unleashes on FOX, Patel DEVOLUTION! Pray!

2 years ago

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"One of the first things we teach our students is that people who commit genocide are NOT evil." : Assistant professor at Ohio State University. https://t.me/vDarknessFalls/12104

Dr. Kat Lindley, mother of 5, was born in Croatia and now is a practicing physician living in Fort Worth, Texas.

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Miracle Drug? The Vaccine-Injured Are Seeing Profound Results With Ivermectin https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/4618

SENSATIONAL! Mo Brooks just went on Fox News to hammer down on Election Fraud, the one issue Fox refuses to cover https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/4621

Net change in voter registration since 2020 election. https://t.me/KanekoaTheGreat/4634

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Jesse Watters just ENDED Hillary Clinton Crime family after she gets EXPOSED for approving Russia Hoax LIE: https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/90766

Bill Gates Claims His 'Vaccines' Have Saved Millions of Lives, But Would Someone With His Background Really Seek Such a Mission? https://t.me/VigilantFox/4618

FACT CHECK: Did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Say, "We Want to Reduce the Number of People in the World by 50%" by 2023? https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal/9685


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