1 year agoMAY WRAP UP ~ 9 books reviewed: Dracula, Charlaine Harris, Anita Blake, The Haunting of Hill HouseAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years ago2023 MOST ANTCIPATED READS ~ 14 books recommendations ~ YA, adult, VR, horror, thrillers, historicalAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoFEBRUARY TBR (18 books) + YA Book Club 2023 updates + Giveaway infoAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoJANUARY TBR (22 books) + YA Book Club 2023 updates + Giveaway infoAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoHAUL & Stephen King Giveaway + I complete my Buffy, Angel & Anita Blake book collectionsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoWINTER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS + my winter TBR ~ (horror, anthologies, romance, cozy, YA, adult)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
5 years agoLiteratura , Redes Sociais Dicas: BookTuber´s. Canais de Audiolivros e o Face #9 Virando as PáginasViraspag
1 year agoTHE LOST GIRLS LIVE SHOW #YABookClub2023 + guests @ErinMegan @alexfoulkes7911 & @fictionalhangoverAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoFEBRUARY WRAP UP ~ I read 10 books inc. The Witchery ( #YABookClub2023 read for Feb )AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoKENDARE BLAKE 2023 author interview: Anna Dressed in Blood, In Every Generation, Champion of FateAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoJUNE WRAP UP ~ 8 books reviewed: Stephen King, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Dracula, Charlaine HarrisAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoJULY TBR (13 books) inc. the #YABookClub2023 YA summer horror read IN NIGHTFALL + Julys Point HorrorAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoBOOK & SPOOKY CLOTHING HAUL + *Signed Giveaway* ~ inc. Stephen King, Point Horror, Clothes, T ShirtsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoI'm reading 13 VAMPIRE books in April ~ adult, YA & manga ~ TBR for April 2023 ⚰️ 🧛AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoBOOKS & MERCH HAUL + *Book Giveaway* ~ Vampires, Halloween Spooky, Horror, Manga, Wicca, Mixed MediaAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoJULY WRAP UP ~ 8 books - inc. 3x Vampires & Cryptids + mini vlog of book events & bookshop signingsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoMARCH WRAP UP ~ I read 10 books (a DNF, some avg and some new favourites) + the #YABookClub2023 readAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoREADING & WRITING SPRINTS with friends @KashasBookSematary @WritaholicDK Dawn Kurtagich & KirstyesAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoOCTOBER TBR (11 books) + October book events ~ halloween fall spooky season (vampires, anthologies)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoSEPTEMBER WRAP UP ~ 9 books + mini vlog - bookshop signings at Whitby, York & LondonAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube