OCTOBER TBR (11 books) + October book events ~ halloween fall spooky season (vampires, anthologies)

1 year ago

Affiliate link to Blackwell's UK for free worldwide shipping | https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/home?a_aid=amymccaw
🎁📚 Seven Devils | https://youtu.be/DbZoBTs0T0M
👪📚 YA BOOK CLUB 2023 👪📚

👪 Goodreads group | https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1201406-ya-book-club-2023

📚 October's book:
📒 Every Exquisite Thing | https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/22623612-october-every-exquisite-thing-spoiler-free
Relevant interviews / videos mentioned:
▶️ Rosie Talbot | https://youtu.be/ga5WntGmFOo
▶️ Cynthia Murphy | https://youtu.be/8MjUhDaWWzU
▶️ Cynthia Murphy debut book launch | https://youtu.be/_pKI0aMMzm8
▶️ A Taste of Darkness announcement | https://youtu.be/rwCVnja4sTc
📚BookTubers mentioned📚
0:00 Opening credits
0:16 Introduction
0:46 October events
1:57 #YABookClub2023 Oct read
2:44 Current reads
3:44 Oct TBR
10:00 Photos
10:37 End credits / cards
🙎🏻‍♀️Amy McCaw is a reader, booktuber and author of the Mina and the Undead series🙎🏻‍♀️

🐥 Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/yaundermyskin
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yaundermyskin
🕰️ TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@amymccawauthor
🙋🏻‍♀️ Author website | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk
📝 YA blog | https://www.yaundermyskin.co.uk
▶️ Watch my blogger to author YALC workshop | https://youtu.be/reqB6vUQaHI
🦇 To buy my books | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy
📕 Mina and the Undead
📕 Mina and the Slayers
📕 Mina and the Cult
📕 A Taste of Darkness (YA horror anthology)
📕 Lurking in the Dark (HorrorTube charity anthology)
#tbr #booktbr #octtbr #octobertbr #octreads #octoberreads #octbooks #octoberbooks #wrapup #review #reviews #bookreviews #yabookreviews #yareviews #yabooks #toberead #anticipated #anticipatedreads #bookhaul #merchhaul #clothing #clothinghaul #tshirt #tshirthaul #pointhorror #vintagehorror #vintagehorrorhaul #pointhorrorhaul #buffy #buffythevampireslayer #angel #vampire #vampirediaries #manga #junjito #buffyhaul #tshirthaul #booktube #horrortube #horrorbookrecs #horrorbooks #authortube #minaandtheslayers #minaandthecult #atasteofdarkness #bookclub #bookclubs #spookyreads #spookybooks #spooky ​#haul #bookunboxing #bookhaul #books #bookstagram #bookreview #book #minaandtheundead #minaandtheundeadseries #vlogger #booktuber #creepy #vampire #vampires #cozyreads #booktoker #pointhorror #bookgiveaway #scream #beetlejuice #stephenking #pointhorror #bookrecommendations #rlstine #vampires #vampirebooks #yabookclub2023 #point #horror #jamieleecurtis #librarymacabre #cameronchaney #loungefly

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