Fulton County Superior Court Finds Fani Willis in Default/Mitch McConnell Falls During Senate Lunch/Married former BBC news anchor who paid for young children to strip for him in online video streams is jailed for eight years
A Historical Overview Of Wireless Bio-Electronic Communications/Telecommunications - The Human Biofield (WBAN) Biological Computing Machines - OH THE LIES WE HAVE BEEN TOLD!
Business Conference | Why You Must Measure What You Treasure & Why You Will Slack Where You Don’t Track By Default + SnapFitness.com Founder, Peter Taunton + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark’s December 5th & 6th 2-Day
DEW "Voice to Skull" PATENT LIVE ON U.N. WEBSITE! Mass Formation Psychosis, HOLOCAUST DENIER JAILED... But did it actually happen the way "history" tells us, tho? Or not?
U.S. Debt Ceiling Diversion; Look Over Here! Don't Look There!!! April U.S. Default?? SILVER ALERT! USA Debt Default Will CATAPULT Silver to Heights NEVER IMAGINED! (Andy Schectman & Bix Weir)