Elon Musk | Elon Musk, 42 & 69 | "71 Was a Great Year. I Was Born 69 Days After 420." - Elon Musk (3/17/2025) | Why Does Elon Musk Consistently Post & Talk About the Numbers 69 & 42?
Dan Scavino put out a VERY ineresting message about JFK jr/Russia Challenges Washington’s Narrative About US, NATO Involvement in Kursk Ambush Following NordStream2 Revelations/PROOF Pelosi COUPED Biden Out of OFFICE. BIGGEST DEM SCANDAL IN 2024/JD Vanc
Richest Family in the UK, the Billionaire Hindujas Stand Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking/Russia Rescues Hundreds of Adrenochrome Victims Destined for Washington D.C./German officials decry Ukrainian refugee handouts WEF Founder Told Young Globa
Mosquitos | Mosquito Borne Virus | "Oxford, Massachusetts And Neighboring Towns Urging People to Stay In At Night." - Washington Post (August 26th 2024) + Massachusetts Towns Set Voluntary Curfew Amid EEE Case
General Flynn | Flynn & Clay Clark Join X22 to Discuss: CBDCs, BRICS, Dedollarization, Great Rest, Bird Flu, COVID, Mpox, Mosquito-Born-Diseases, Trump 2024 & Will X22 Disclose Identity At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken!