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1 year agoFun Fishing for Largemouth Bass at Lake Wylie's South Point Access Area - Kayak FishingAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoMore "Bass" Fishing on Lake Wylie - South Point Access - Wacky Rig & Shakey Head Finesse TechniquesAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Bass Fishing an Absolutely Loaded Dock - Lake Wylie - South Point Access - Belmont, NCAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoFun Kayak Fishing on Lake Wylie - Catching Lots of Dinks - Using the Shakey Head and DropshotAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Bass Fishing the South Fork Catawba River - Baltimore Pier & Canoe Access - Cramerton, NCAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Bass Fishing Tournament - Lake Hickory - QCKBF Catawba Clash - Lovelady Access - Granite FallsAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoSummertime Bass Fishing on Lake Norman - Topwater, Dropshot, and Shakeyhead - Spotted Bass & StriperAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoDoubling Up on a Whopper Plopper - Topwater Action - Kayak Bass Fishing Lake Wylie - Fun FishingAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Fishing for Bass at Lake Wylie's Newest Public Access - Rock Hill Park in Rock Hill, SCAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
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1 year agoFun Fishing on Lake Wylie - Topwater Bites in the Kayak and a Little Offshore DropshottingAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Fishing Lake Wylie from the Buster Boyd Access - Summer Time Fishing with the Wacky RigAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoKayak Fishing the Beautiful South Fork River at Riverside Park and Greenway - Cramerton, NCAbide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.
1 year agoDeep Water Cranking and Offshore Bass Fishing Using a Modified Carolina Rig: The "Carolina Jig"Abide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.