2 years agoSeptember wrap up & October TBR + 4 readathon TBRs: Spoopathon, Vampathon, Gothtober & HalloweekendAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoVAMPATHON: my TBR + book recs for every prompt ~ October readathon ~ recommendationsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoBOOK GIVEAWAY & HAUL ~ November haul: books, clothing & Disney merch + 4 book international giveawayAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoUndead Inc. - Official Announcement Trailer | PC Gaming Show 2023Black Box Game TrailersVerified
2 years agoMarch WRAP-UP & April TBR (14 books) writing retreat -Gladstone's Library, book signings, V E Schwab (booktube booktuber #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoJune WRAP-UP & July TBR (21 books) + short story + bookshop signings + YALC update (book read recs)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoTOP 15 ANTICIPATED 2022 READS (part 2) ~ adult, MG & YA books ~ horror, thrillers & mysteries ~ TBR (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMY LATEST BOOK HAUL + spooky stickers and Halloween merch ~ book, bats & vampires (Buffy Lost Boys)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMay WRAP-UP & June TBR (19 books) + Whateverthon TBR ~ YA, adult, MG ~ vampires, cults, Stephen KingAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMY FIRST READING VLOG ~ inc. NYA Lit Fest + holiday vlog (vampires, cults, Point Horror, thrillers)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoFEBRUARY WRAP UP ~ I read 10 books inc. The Witchery ( #YABookClub2023 read for Feb )AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMINA AND THE SLAYERS blurb reveal clip ~ celebrating Mina and the Undead's 1st birthday anniversary (booktube booktuber #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years ago#shorts ~ Page 1 reading ~ Mina and the Undead ~ vampires, gothic & spooky books ~ booktok booktubeAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoSEPTEMBER TBR (11 books) fall halloween spooky season inc. ghosts vampires zombies & #YABookClub2023AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube