Trucker protest explodes in popularity - convoy reaches 70km long #BearHUG - Erin O'tool Won't Even Show Support - O'tool Is Trudeau!!!! #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO
"No tanks, no planes, no missiles to Ukraine!' 🇫🇷 In Paris, they protest against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The protesters also cut the NATO flag.
David Lindsay: "One of the recommendations that is going to come from the hearing – is anytime you protest, for longer than 2 days, it’s now going to be termed an occupation, where the government can bring in the Emergencies Act.
The citizens of Colchester interrupt a council meeting to protest about the 15 minute city plan and NET ZERO policies being pushed on them without their consent!
LIVE with Daniel Bulford & Thomas O’Connor Live interview with Daniel Bulford former Trudeau Sniper detail who has resigned from the RCMP and Thomas O’Connor who has resigned from the Paramedic service in protest over the continued violation of ou
Toronto Metro Cops Stopping A Peaceful Protest In Support Of The Truckers Convoy For Freedom To Ottawa #BearHUG #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO