8 months agoLove Your Liver Livestream #149: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD, Silent Reflux - It's ALL TOXIC BILE!NutritionDetective
5 years agoProton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Dangers - a nano-podcast on the harmful effects of GERD medsDocSaleeby Videos
1 year agoManaging Heartburn After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Tips from Dr. Jalil Illan FraijoDrjalilofficial
2 years agoGastric acid problem solution| कब्ज,गैस अपच की समस्या #gastic #drminakshiDr. Minakshi singh
1 year agoDiscover the Ultimate Post-Gastric Bypass Diet: Foods to Avoid and Key Guidelines!Drjalilofficial