6 months ago071424 Word From God -FORTIFY YOURSELVES - GLYNDA LOMAXChristopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline
1 year agoYour opinion DOESN'T MATTER in God's Kingdom 🤯 #jesus #bible #christianity #god #holyspiritKap ChatfieldVerified
2 years agoMANY OF THESE SO CALLED BLACK MALES ARE RAISED IN HOUSEHOLDS THAT EXULT THE FEMININE PRINCIPLE.🕎 Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 year agoWhen you love someone, how they feel, actually matters to you!Get Lit with Christa ElishaVerified
1 month agoWhy does it matter that YOU stand on the word, and on the LORD Jesus, and stumble over it?drock5690