7 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Events are heating up on the world scene, My children, and conditions are about to get very bad in some areas. (I saw He meant some areas of the world) Hold on to your faith in Me, no matter what you see transpiring around you, for nothing matters in the end if you fail to keep that.

I will be speaking to some of you soon about ministries you are to begin doing. I wish My gospel to be preached to the lost, that they be given one more chance to repent while there is yet time.

Time is quickly running out and there is no time for turning back or turning away from Me. You must guard your hearts with all diligence, for much of what you see will incite fear in you, and you shall be tempted to stop believing in Me. The enemy will try to make the most of this. When this happens, remind yourselves of all that was foretold in My Holy Word, and realize what you are seeing is simply the fulfillment of My promises about the end.

Those who endure, believing, will be greatly rewarded. You have been chosen to live in this time, My children. Only the very strongest can survive in what is coming. The strongest in Me, not in yourselves. Fortify yourselves in My Holy Word and get ready to do battle.

Be armed and ready to do battle in your houses against the evil that is coming for you. Be ready to battle the onslaught of temptations the enemy is launching on you. Realize he desires to weaken you by getting you off track. As he distracts you, he steals My Word from your hearts and minds and renders you unprepared to fight his next attack on you, on your household.

Get ready to do battle in your cities, for every city in every nation will be attacked by the enemy's forces in this time. Those evidencing My glory will be hardest hit. He will show no mercy, My children, but those of you who prepare by soaking up My Word, by knowing Me, by sitting in My presence daily, and seeking Me, shall walk through this time unafraid and I shall use you to do mighty exploits among your brethren. Unbelievers will watch in awe at My mighty power evidenced through you as I perform feats never before witnessed on earth.

The time of My glory has come. Do not waste it being fearful or distracted. Use it. Use it to witness of My greatness, My great power and majesty in the earth, that more souls may come into My Kingdom.

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