1 year agoHow to Change font Style in MS Word in Urdu and Hindi | MS Word Complete Course in Urdu by EduyozoWelcome to “EduYoZo” Rumble channel. My purpose behind creating this channel was to help people learn about online earning in Pakistan.
1 year agoMicrosoft Excel tutorials Fill color, Font color, and alignment Ms EXcel - class 4 | Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy
1 year agoMicrosoft Word Hindi Urdu Tutorial Open, save and save as - class 2 | Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy
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1 year agoMicrosoft Word Hindi Urdu tutorials Format Painter - class 7 Hacks That Should Know |Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy
1 year agoMicrosoft Word tutorials Text highlighter and font color Interesting Facts - class 8|Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy
1 year agoThe Expert Guide to Microsoft Word Urdu tutorials Cut Copy and Paste - class 6 | Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy
1 year agoMicrosoft Excel Hindi Urdu tutorials Orientation and Indent in Ms Excel - class 5 | Technical BuddyTechnical Buddy