2 years ago144,000, CHURCH, RAPTURE- I felt an urgency to share this message! It is Midnight #share #144 #truthEndtimesProphecies777
1 year agoYOU HAVE to HEAR the TRUE story of Easter! TRUTH UNVEILED: JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR US! #God #JesusTheRealDonaldTruth
1 year ago9/23 - 30 Movies + TV Shows Predicting Doom for Sept. 23 - What's Going On Here?The Aquarius Bus
1 year agoTHE ALIEN DECEPTION COVERUP! “Aliens are not what they claim to be” Area 51 callerTheRealDonaldTruth
1 year agoYOU HAVE to HEAR what GOD SAYS! Joshua Graham Bible reading 1Corinthians6 #God #Jesus #faithTheRealDonaldTruth
1 year ago144,000 MESSAGE - SOLDIERS 🔺️ #share #144 #bible #israel #yeshua #firstfruits #churchEndtimesProphecies777
2 years agoI heard THIS about 144,000 and the AC‼️ #share #jesus #antichrist #nwo #prophecy #144EndtimesProphecies777