9/23 - 30 Movies + TV Shows Predicting Doom for Sept. 23 - What's Going On Here?

1 year ago

Movies & TV Shows Featuring Sept. 23 Events

1) TV 3rd Rock from the sun A meteor is scheduled to hit the planet in September of 2015.
2) TV Big Bang Theory Asteroid strike September 23rd.
3) Movie – Volcano September 23 next to the cross in the movie an asteroid hits the earth on September 23
4) Movie Seeking a friend for the end of the world – An Asteroids strikes on September 22nd-23rd and ends the world
5) Movie – Julia & Julia Sept 23 a meteor striking the earth
6) Movie – Deep Impact – Starring Morgan Freeman – He says the asteroid would strike 9-22 Lotto numbers are 923
7) Movie – Evan Almighty – Starring Steve Carrol – The date of the flood is September 22nd 8) Movie – Knowing – the date of September 22nd and 23rd the earth is destroyed by a solar flare
9) Movie – Little shop of horrors – September 23rd an event that will encounter a deadly threat to Human’s existence
10) Movie – Tomorrow land – Disaster strikes on September 23rd
11) TV NCIS – Last man standing was the episode “Do they know 9/23?” “No”
12) Movie “23″ – Jim Carrey mentions the date September 23rd as the day that hell arrives
13) TV – Sleepy hallow – September 23rd a new dimension is opened
14) Movie – Ghost Busters – The evil is released September 23rd
15) This is the end – Seth Rogen – Paparazzi video recorder says date 9-23 the rapture happens and
16) Movie Pandemic – Hits the east coast 9/23
17) Movie labyrinth evil consumes the world at 9:23
18) Movie Lost – Plane crashes on a remote island on September 22nd.
19) Movie Castaways – Starring Tom Hanks – Driver’s license of dead pilot says 9-23
20) Taco Bell Commercial – Escaping a concentration camp on 923
21) Guinness Beer commercial – If you keep an open mind you’ll discover dark secrets Stop watch stops at 9:23
22) Gone girl – September 23rd is used twice depicting the date of the disappearance
23) Video Florence and the machine “we will drag bodies to the ground – Watch stops at 9:23 24) Video Called 23 9-23 is in the video 9 times
25) Video Rhianna called 7/11 get lost calendar is 9-24 – Her latest video has 923 on the license plates
26) Video Black Eyed Peas – Calendar of the month of Someday with the 23rd of September
27) Video Tainted Love – An asteroid hits earth and then they show the horoscope with the date 9/23
28) Drakes album “Nothing was the same” Released on 9/23 with pics of shirts with this on it 29) Song by Israel Vibrations -September 24th is mentioned as the great tribulation Fulfillment of the Holy Prophecy
30) TV Heroes reborn – Persecution of the church begins 9/23
31) In the video game residence evil – the invasion begins 9/23
32) Illuminati card game has three cards including the asteroid card with 9-23 on it 9 times 33) TV show – One foot in the grave – 1990 – “9/23 the day of the Lord shall be upon you”

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