Biden Clown Show: "Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world... we created over 14 million brand new jobs... I cut the federal deficit by over $7 billion!... Congressman Trump..."
Biden Clown Show: "I work for Kamala Harris.. and Doug, our 1st 2nd gentleman ha ha ha.. 15 million new jobs.. the dog is cheering for that.. we're seeing a 50 year low in violent crime in America... not on our watch."
Biden Clown Propaganda-Lies-Nonsense Show: "Mortgage rates are falling and they're gonna fall more.. 440 new jobs since I came into office.. How many of you spent time in McDonald parking lots to do the homework..."
Biden mumbling show: "This has to be 10 days or something, I got to keep wearing it.. don't tell them.. 20 million people were out of work.. 13.5 million new jobs.. the strongest job creation in history!"