1 year ago✈️ FREEDOM FLYER 🇺🇸 #fighterjet #airforce #plane #planes #usa #aeroplane #jet #freedom #pilotGrumps The Wanderer
3 years agoU.S. Freedom Flyers - Pilots, Flight Attendants, other workers losing their jobs.OCPatriot
2 years ago✈️💉U.S. Freedom Flyers President Joshua Yoder Explains How the COVID Vaxx Mandates Have Affected Pilots Nationwide and Probably WorldwideReal Truth Real NewsVerified
3 years agoFreedom Flyers: Airline Industry Workers Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Shot Fight BackHealthImpactNews
1 year agoThey Fear You Going OFFLINE. Get On the Ground! - Dr.SHIVA™Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email.Verified
1 year agoThey Fear You Going OFFLINE. Get On the Ground! - Dr.SHIVA™Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email.Verified