Declaration of Medical Freedom

3 years ago

Declaration of Medical Freedom

We The People, hold these truths to be self-evident:

The individual is endowed by his/her creator with the inalienable right to bodily autonomy;

The parent is the final arbiter of their child’s health, education and welfare;

The doctor/patient relationship cannot be superseded;

The healthy person cannot spread a disease they do not have;

The preponderance of scientific evidence proves that the PCR test cannot be used to diagnose disease; effective, inexpensive and approved therapies exist to treat respiratory ailments, including covid 19; the use of masks, lockdowns and physical distancing are ineffective and cause great harm; the experimental gene-therapy injections are dangerous and ineffective.

The United States of America is a representative democracy and mandates are not law.

We the People demand:

1. Stop all PCR and antigen testing for covid-19.
2. Rescind all mask mandates.
3. Rescind all covid 19 vaccination mandates.
4. Restore suspended workers with back pay.
5. Outlaw vaccinations in schools.
6. Require informed, written, parental consent before any medical procedure is performed on a child.
7. Declare that medical providers may administer approved treatments without coercion or censure.
8. Allow visitation in hospitals and nursing homes, regardless of patient condition.
9. Replace current public health messages with recommendations to lose weight, eat well, exercise outdoors and fortify the immune system with Vitamins C, D3 and Zinc.
10. Investigate and prosecute medical malpractice.

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