2 months agoGeneral McInerney PROVES He is a Deep State Operative Waging a War of Disinformation 12-20-2024TheWarAgainstYou
10 months agoGlobalist Four Front War... And The Escalation Thereof. Dave Janda - Retired Commander Scott SnowTheWarAgainstYou
9 months agoFINANCIAL WAR: Assets Moving From West To East. Dr. Dave Janda 5-14-2024 (((PLEASE READ MY ANNOUNCEMENT BELOW)))TheWarAgainstYou
8 months agoCMDR. Scott Snow: The Endless War Rages On... - Part 2. Dr. Dave Janda 30 minutes agoTheWarAgainstYou
8 months agoHow Corrupt Is The Government?... Let Me Tell Ya'! Dr. Dave Janda 6-11-2024TheWarAgainstYou
4 months agoDr. Dave Janda: Civilization Is On The Line...Panic. They Are Desperate to Silence us 10-8-2024TheWarAgainstYou
8 months agoDr. Dave Janda: The Financial Nuclear War. End the Rein of Terror 6-18-2024TheWarAgainstYou
8 months agoCMDR. Scott Snow: The Endless War Rages On... - Part 1. Dr. Dave Janda 10 minutes agTheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoThe Agency, The Dictator, Their Operation. The CIA: We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal. Dr. Dave JandaTheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoThe Cult's 2024 Food Supply Operation. Dr. Dave Janda - Daniel Brigman 1-22-2024 20 minutes agoTheWarAgainstYou
5 months agoThe Key Is "Oppositional Defiance" Strong Opposition is What the Globalist Cartel Hates the MostTheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoGeneral Flynn Proves He is a Liar, Deceiver and a Controlled Opposition Limited Hangout 11-14-2023TheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoThe Merchants of Chaos & Casualties. Dr. Janda with Harley Schlanger 1 hour agoTheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoI teach you why exercise (aka your job) is killing you and how to reverse arthritic wear on the bodyFulcanelli
6 months agoFinancial Paper...Is Vapor...Money is Debt. YOUR DEBT. Dr. Dave Janda 8-27-2024TheWarAgainstYou
8 months agoDr. Dave Janda: The United States of Banana Republic...The Evil Cult - War On Truth 6-25-2024TheWarAgainstYou
1 year agoWhy Have Peace When The Syndicate Wants War. Psychopaths of Perpetual War. Dr. Janda 1 hour agoTheWarAgainstYou