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I teach you why exercise (aka your job) is killing you and how to reverse arthritic wear on the body
Original source material:
The above material is most of what I learned to get started. all I did was do what he says. If he says it, I do it. I haven't had a health issue since. I reversed so many it hurts to think about it.
If you believe that exercise is good for you in the absence of complete and optimal mineral supplementation then you are committing a form of suicide in doing so. Exercise is only good for you if you are covering your bodies daily trace mineral needs. If you are not doing so consciously and with purpose it is impossible for you to claim that exercise is good for you. The act of exercise entails sweating and wear on the bodies skeletal system. If you are not replenishing the stores of trace minerals you lose each day via sweating and you aren't giving your body the minerals it needs to be able to use to regrow, repair, and maintain bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. This regrowth, repair, and maintenance of the skeletal system that happens when the body is given the raw materials in the form of minerals and things like chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine salts is also responsible for the prevention of muscle tears, ligament strains and tears, bone sprains and bruises, and all other forms of injury to the muscle and skeletal system. There are minerals like selenium that you hardly even know exist that you need to take daily that are responsible for the chemical reactions in the body that allow for muscle to even exist, let alone grow. Most athletes have no idea of any of this and as a result of this they wind up becoming retired by the age of 30 in nearly the entirety of all cases. If you are unaware that you need minerals like selenium daily because you lose your bodily stores of selenium through sweating you will end up with bone, muscle, joint, and ligament issues that will result in either injury or you ignoring injury and screwing the rest of your life up as a result. None of this needs to happen. All of these thins can be prevented with complete and optimal mineral supplementation. If you are reading this and you haven't watched the original source material yet you simply have no idea what I am even talking about in saying this statement. When I speak of complete and optimal mineral supplementation being required to not end up as a broken down cripple from a life of exercise there is almost nobody who is qualified to refute my statement because you simply have no idea what this even means. Let alone be able to put this into practice in your own life and benefit from this. So for anyone who mocks me for this presentation here go ahead and laugh your head off at me. I'm already proven to be the one who has outlasted all of you. I'm still an elite athlete at the age of 34. I went from being a broken down bum of an athlete with a bevy of injury issues to getting back everything I ever lost to my ignorance of the following topic. Don't believe me? well if you really want to be cocky about it come play me in a game of 1 on 1 basketball for cash. I will take every dollar you can possibly put up and I'll do it for days on end. I could sit in a park breaking people down for money like its a 9-5 job. My body is bullet proof now. And you know why? It's because I took all of the following information deeply into my heart and have been living by it for 10 years now. There is no amount of money you could ever pay me that could get me to go back to living in a world where I exercise without fulfilling my complete and optimal mineral supplementation needs. I often say you couldn't afford to pay me the money you would have to pay me to eat the poison most athletes and people in general eat. For example if you offered me 25,000 dollars in bitcoin, cash, gold, silver, etc to simply eat a pizza made from pasteurized cheese and wheat flour dough I would turn you down. You know why? Because that would damage my intestines which prevents the absorption of minerals. I would also be sick for about the next 3 days if I ate that food. Which would cause long term damage to my health that simply isn't worth being paid 25,000 dollars. As they say "health is wealth". Well the health I've got is worth more money than you can ever pay me. there is no amount of money on planet earth anyone could pay me to switch health status with them. And I lose that health status health status and become like you if I go back to eating pizza like the joe schmuck's of the world.
1:30 = Trace mineral deficiencies cause all disease
3:10 all time goals record.
It's an unofficial record but the guy who owns the building would tell you that I'm probably the most likely candidate to own the record.
5:55 9 things you will learn from this video.
Staying in shape is insanely easy. As in I barely have to do anything at all to stay in ridiculously fit shape. I could go do anything at all at the drop of a hat. Thats because nothing on my body hurts. Basically not ever. I don't even experience muscle soreness the same way other people do because I'm the only person I know who is getting adequate amounts of selenium on a daily basis. So I'm the only person with enough selenium to experience the bodies true recovery ability. Well I was. I now know at least one other person who follows this program with the understanding of how, why, and what to do. Every other dipshit I know just likes to listen to me talk and they will never follow through on doing anything I say. The rest of you simply just don't know what you don't know. So hopefully you learn with this and get on board.
7:00 aging gracefully for women
Acne is skin diabetes =
The truth about skin care, sagging skin, aging skin and how to reverse it.\
The truth about facelifts and sudden death =
10:30 nutrient deficiency young athletes
12:00 following advice
Information on what not to eat to ensure you don't get problems that are falsely blamed on aging. In reality all thats going on with aging is you are eating foods that damage your gut microbiome. And this is what is actually aging you. This is a prime example of people not listening to information that saves their life.
14:45 my enthusiasm for recovery from sports related injury that I only recovered from because I listened to what Dr wallach says and actually did it.
16:00 My dipshit family disowning me because I didn't go sacrifice my future well being to win a state wrestling championship. Which was essentially expected of me. I don't blame them in some ways. I'm a fucking monster in any sport you name. To have expected me to win a state title was just normal expectations. The problem here is these dumbasses didin't know I didn't like wrestling. If it was a sport I had liked I'd probably have grinded through the pain and fucked the rest of my life up because of it. Thank God it was wrestling they tried to force me to do. Quitting that for me was about as easy as most of you find it to scarf down a whole sleeve of chips ahoy cookies.
19:00 My experience with vegetarianism
Videos on the myths of vegetarianism and all low fat dietary ideas =
The original video I saw that I changed my diet overnight after I saw it. well, actually I can't find the link. But basically what happened is I learned a bunch of stuff about food I had never heard before and I immediately jumped overnight to become a vegetarian. Up until this point I was basically allergic to eating vegetables. I would damn near puke if I tried to eat a lot of them. Mushrooms especially. So basically I just started living off of vegetables, eggs, and yogurt overnight. I switched to forcing myself to chew up and eat vegetables and I did this for about a year straight. It wound up being amazing for me at first to get off all processed food. But after about 7-8 months my body started breaking down because my nutrient deficiencies were actually worse under vegetarianism than they were under eating fried chicken and soda for 5 meals a week.
20:30 This is the information I found that got me out of being a vegetarian.
I basically read and followed everything on this guys website for about the next 7 months. I also started his supplement program of colloidal minerals and cod liver oil and other stuff. I did his supplement program to the letter. So what happened is this set me up perfectly for what was gonna happen next. I was listening to bill cooper regularly at the time and I finally got to the episodes where Bill Cooper had on Dr Wallach. So he goes on raving and ranting about how amazing dr wallachs program was. Bill Cooper originally had planned to destroy Dr Wallach's reputation and was going to prove that Dr WAllach is a quack and a fraud and a scheister and much more. But it turns out Dr wallach wasn't lying and his products really do everything he promises they do (as long as you remain gluten free, soda free, etc). So because Bill Cooper ranted and raved about Dr Wallach and his collodial mineral supplements I immediately started taking them and dropped the original program I followed. Although they were very similar programs in many ways. It's just that Dr Wallachs supplements are actually made of what they say they are made of. The ones the other guy had me taking were basically worthless.
So I switched from using this stuff over to Dr Wallachs products and had instant success. I was a changed man. I was a new man. Everything in my life had been dedicated to him since. Up until finding dr wallachs program I had a litany of health problems with the bodily injury being top of the list. I also dealt with migraine headaches 1-3 times a week minimum. I have never had one since. That alone is worth its weight in gold. Migraines are something I wouldn't wish on anyone.
how to cure migraines =
It's all in your head =
23:40 The layer cake of health in regards to diet and exercise
what diet to follow =
what food to never eat again =
A deeper look at all types of diets you can follow =
29:00 GMO crops and stomach lesions
29:45 glyphosate truth
30:30 = Pastuerized dairy issues
33:00 Living to 120
how to live to over 120 =
35:00 Why most athletes have a future of drug use in store for them after they retire
Cause, prevention and reversal of opiate dependency =
37:45 Energy crisis in adults and what causes it
42:00 = whether you admit it or not exercise is a form of suicide.
Thankfully this is easily preventable. All you have to do is follow the information found in this video here to prevent yourself from committing sucide via exercise without complete and optimal mineral supplementation
45:00 Athetic activity causing death is inevitable
47:00 insurance is a scam
How to avoid painful knee surgery =
The death of the genetic theory of disease =
50:00 Falsely blaming bodily pains on the aging process
aging =
51:30 The future of me versus the future of you
Gen Z is a hopeless lost cause in at least 95% of all cases. We're entering brave new world territory of athletics. There is a lost gap of fundmentals in young athletes that can never be made up. To make up the skill gap between me and athletes younger than me they would have to go back in time and erase their own phone usage. But they couldn't eve do that. If they went back in time and destroyed their own phone they would just get mommy or daddy to buy them a new one. so their lack of fundamental development was and is inevitable. They can't ever pass me. Don't believe me. Watch the future and what I do.
54:00 morons who think weight loss is caused by eating in a caloric deficit. That is serve mental illness. Proven by the truth =
55:45 if you pay for medical insurance you are being scammed. All you need is catastrophic coverage. Everything after catastrophic coverage is just a method of getting you hooked on pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of your life. If you accept anything from a medical insurer you will be put on drugs and that is the only thing tha thealth insurance can do for you. Cheapen the drugs you require to be alive. You could just cure the problems you have with nutrition and spend the money you would spend on health insurance on that instead. It's much cheaper.
57:00 4 dollars a day keeps the million dollar doctor away
reverse bone on bone arthritis
regrow cartilage in 90 days =
57:30 = That fucking whacko nutjob Trevor Hamberger
59:20 = By the grace of God I never suffered a serious injury that was enough of an injury to give a snake doctor a way to get into my body invasively so that he can keep me as a drugged up customer for the rest of his professional life. Nope. Unlike all my friends that blew out shoulders and wound up addicted to heroin after oxycodone became too expensive
joint replacement surgery =
1:00:30 my retard family trying to push me into becoming a vicodin addict
the undoing of disease =
arthritis and osteoporosis =
1:03:00 = almost dying in hockey
This was the only time in my life my father ever showed concern for me in any way whatsoever. and really the only reason for this is because it happened in public and it was obvious to anyone that saw this happen that I could have broken my neck from what happened. So they all took me out of the game, checked me for concussion, etc. Not a scratch on me. As ALWAYS. I'm protected by a higher power and nothing you can ever say will get me to not believe this. I've had a number of things happen in my life that should have gone much worse than they did.
1:05:20 = athletes career curves
I'm faster, quicker, stronger, and everything else that I could be in compariosn with my own self at age 25 which used to be the peak of my athletic prowess. Back then I was putting up 30 balls on people. I wasn't half as good back then as I am now. People now are afraid to guard me. They didn't even know what I could do back then. Not until I 30 balled them.
1:08:00 You only are what you absorb.
1:11:30 dog health
dog food truth =
1:13:30 = Osteo FX
Osteoporosis =
Arthritis =
1:16:00 = Asthma and allergies
1:17:00 Mineral cofactors
dgiestiopn and absorption =
understanding how the 90 nutrietns work together =
zinc and the immune system =
Vitamins, amino acids and Essential Fatty Acids =
1:20:00 The role of omega 3-6-9 in health
Amazing Q and A on EVERYTHING essential fatty acids =
More valuable EFA info =
1:22:00 Calcium deficiency and its role in disease
are calcium supplements worth it?
calcium and hypertension =
1:25:00 Why you MUST supplement
The science behind medical nutrition.
1:27:00 MY luck with arthritis at a young age.
Somehow I was lucky as can be to have the experience I did in life with my body failing me at a young age and somehow being able to dig up information from sources like The Hout Of the Time . Because of this experience in life and who I get my information from I was lucky enough to have all of this land right in my lap and when I found it I already had enough of a history and experience with the quality of the information I was getting to where I didn't even have to question if the person was telling me the truth. He always had. I had no reason to question him and listening to his experience that you can click with the link above you can hear exactly what I heard that I didn't even think twice about questioning. I knew I found my white whale at that point.
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