Dr. Robert Malone, Mr Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein...Covid-19 Perspectives From An Engineer, and a Medical Doctor Who Invented mRNA Vaccine Technology ( -0107 )
Modeling | Dangers of Modeling & the Horrors of Hollywood w/ Hollywood Music Producer for Boyz II Men & Destiny's Child w/ Blessings Winn-Robertson | "Modeling Isn't the Best Thing for Someone's Physique, The Offers Were Sexual
CRISPR | CRISPR Gene-Editing 101 + Is Injecting mRNA Modifying Technology & CRISPR Gene Editing Into Humanity the Goal of "The Great Reset?" Featuring Musk, Schwab, Harari, Gates, Bourla, the 2016 X-Files Prophecy and More
The Telecommunications & Biomedical-Engineering Industry Understand Very Well What mRNa-IoBnT-6G Have In Common! So What Excuses Can Your Doctors Come Up With This Week?
Acting | What Is Acting, Modeling & Hollywood All About? "There Are Three Main Methods for Invoking Any Deity, the Third Method Is the Dramatic, Perhaps the Most Attractive of All. It Appeals to His Imagination Through His Aesthetic Sense."