The Telecommunications & Biomedical-Engineering Industry Understand Very Well What mRNa-IoBnT-6G Have In Common! So What Excuses Can Your Doctors Come Up With This Week?

2 months ago
"The vision of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale"
"Scientists and engineers across many fields and disciplines are united by their work at the nanoscale. Their diverse efforts have helped produce everything from faster microchips to powerful mRNA vaccines"


"The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies.
Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19"
"The term bio-digital convergence denotes the convergence of engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science"
"Bio-digital convergence is essentially the merging of biology and digital technology with the aim of creating new technologies and applications that incorporate biological processes. It is made possible by advances in fields such as synthetic biology, biotechnology and digital technology, which are allowing researchers to manipulate and control biological systems in increasingly sophisticated ways.
It is a rapidly evolving field that holds great promise for a wide range of applications. Professor Coallier remarked that by merging biology and digital technology, researchers were creating new tools, technologies and applications that could have a profound impact on many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to agriculture and environmental protection.
The ability to create and manipulate biological systems using digital technology is one of the key drivers of bio-digital convergence. This includes the use of digital tools and techniques to design and synthesize new biological components, such as DNA, proteins and cells, as well as the use of digital technology to control and manipulate these biological systems in real time"
Time stamp 13.30min ARRC Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz ITU-IEEE

Ian F Akyildiz " in terms of bio-nano-things these are for the health applications I did alot of research on that in the last 15 years um bio-nano-scale-machines these are for injecting into the body and always monitoring the health problems and that is also going really well with these COVID VACCINES its going in that direction these MRNA's are nothing but small scale nao-machines they are programmed and then they are injected in the internet of nano-scale-things and those will be part of 7G and beyond" 

Nanosized devices operating inside the
human body open up new prospects in the healthcare
domain. Invivo wireless nanosensor networks (iWNSNs)
will result in a plethora of applications ranging from
intrabody health-monitoring to drug-delivery systems. With
the development of miniature plasmonic signal sources,
antennas, and detectors, wireless communications among
intrabody nanodevices will expectedly be enabled at
both the terahertz band (0.1–10 THz) as well as optical
frequencies (400–750 THz). This result motivates the
analysis of the phenomena affecting the propagation
of electromagnetic signals inside the human body.
In this paper, a rigorous channel model for intrabody
communication in iWNSNs is developed.
(2020) DARPA-ITU PANACEA: Remotely controlling cells wirelessly with Your mobile phone, Implantable bioelectronic devices Including engineered Ecoli/Bacteria fluorescent bionanosensors Ian F Akyildiz ITU-IEEE
Talk by Prof Ian F Akyildiz ITU-IEEE on 6G and Beyond The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
A peek into the deep (CONVERGENCE) towards 6G | ITU-JFET Ian F Akyildiz IEEE


Definition: Body Area Network (BAN)


June 2016...

'Next up: billions of nanosensors harvesting huge amounts of real-time information and beaming it up to the cloud.'

Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2016

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