Javier Milei | Did Argentina's Trump (Javier Milei) Just Defeat the Globalist Agenda With An "Argentina First," Capitalist, Conservative, Anti-Marxist, Anti-Leftist, Anti-Woke Agenda?
THANKS TO THE SHEEPLE OF THE WORLD -- GLOBALIST CRIME SYNDICATE BRICS KEEPS GROWING | BRICS expands with 9 new partner countries. Now it's half of world population, 41% of global economy
General Flynn & Dr. Tenpenny | “The Globalist Elite Left Aligns Themselves Against Anybody Who Says Something Is Not Right About This.” | Why Does the U.S. Have Biolabs In China & Ukraine? IS BRICS Introducing a Post-Christian World? BRICS?
Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab | PRO-TIPS On How to Sound Like An EVIL GODLESS GLOBALIST WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM VILLIAN with Joe Wakile from Connect Those Dots
Dr. Stella Immanuel | The Great Reset Agenda | What Is the Ultimate Goal of the Great Reset Agenda? If the Globalists Can Put RNA-Modifying Nanotechnology & Graphene Under Our Skin, They Win + Daniel 2:40-43 "Iron Mixed with Miry Clay"