500 years of Central Banks ruling the WORLD coming to an end! Can we survive? BRICS!

3 days ago


The evil Globalist totalitarian Central Banks have ruled the earth for over 500 years. Our American forefathers fled this system and fought a revolution to establish what was the United States of America. We had our own independent banking system based on Gold and Silver. This ideal was so important they wrote it into the US Constitution.

That ideal, their vision survived until the corrupt, greedy 1913 #Democrat Woodrow Wilson sold out the republic to the World Central Bankers who needed to establish a new empire after Great Britain had been used up and destroyed. Hence, came the revered US empire replacement! 800 bases around the world as, we now see after the hurricanes, the American people suffer.

We are now in the end game as their #Ukraine project to plunder #Russian resources has been shattered. This was their next to final roll of dice. Then they turned their wicked eyes to the unsinkable Air Craft carrier #Israel, committing unspeakable crimes to further their global agenda. That project is also now also failing.

My question to you is, will they burn the entire world down as their hold on world dominance, enriching themselves endlessly, comes to an end? What measures are they willing to take to hold onto their now diminishing power?

Everything you need to know about the history leading up to the multiple global crisis we are in today along with a lengthy description of BRICS no one is telling you about is in this video. Enjoy.

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