Taylor Swift | "I Am A Christian, That Is Not What We Stand For." Who Is Clara Bow? Taylor Swift Discusses Clara Bow & Stevie Nicks + Decoding The Prophecy Lyrics "Gathered w/ a Coven Round a Sorceress' Table."
Satan's 5 I Wills Isaiah 14 & Trump's 5 I Wills, Obama Delaying Harris Endorsement Explained In I Pet Goat 2, Rabbi Schneerson Said Netanyahu Will Hand Scepter To Messiah-Ben-David, The Many False Prophecies of Kim Clement
Lance Wallnau | Lance ReAwakens America and Brings the TRUTH About: Christian Nationalism, Kim Clement's Trump Prophecies Involving "Trump Will Become a Trumpet," "A Man By the Name of Mr. Clark and a Man By the Name of Donald" an