Kings of the East & Drying of The Euphrates Explained Rev 16:12

1 year ago

We examine the prophecies about the drying of the Euphrates River and the Kings of the East Rev 16:12 and the fulfillment of Daniel 11:45.

Key topics covered include:

The drying up of the Euphrates as a symbol of the fall of the Ottoman Empire began in 1840
The importance of Jeremiah 25:26 in identifying the “kings of the north” at the end
The kings of the East as regular military organizations, not random groups
The current Zionist agenda as the fulfillment of the gathering of the kings of the East
Warnings about following the counsel of others who reject advancing light
Being prepared for the final events before Christ's coming.

This urgent study sheds important light on where we are in earth's history and the deceptions happening today. It emphasizes being rooted in God’s prophetic word and advancing in truth to avoid deception in these last days. All who seek Christ's coming need to hear this message and share it widely.

"Those who are engaged in proclaiming the third angel’s message are
searching the Scriptures upon the same plan that Father Miller adopted."
Review and Herald, November 25, 1884 P.23
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5. Angels and The Word:
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6. The Angel of The Lord: an Angel or Christ?

7. Christ or Gabriel? Apparent Discrepancies in the Spirit of Prophecy

8. The Golden Oil in Zechariah 4

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