Trump Lays Groundwork to ‘Delete’ the IRS and Abolish Federal Income Tax/British Gov’t Unveil ‘AI Police Officers’ That Can Arrest Citizens for ‘Thought Crimes’/German Leader Says Free Speech Is Restricted to Pro-Globalist Narratives
JORDAN MAXWELL ~ Illuminati & The Black Magic Underworld - [Age Of Truth TV] | Find links to many other Jordan Maxwell videos BELOW this video, in the description box
Col. Douglas Macgregor "The human trafficking, the disappearance of 10's of 1,000's of children and women into the underworld where they're exploited & ultimately killed”
CHRISTMAS EVE EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Now The Biden Administration Is Hyping A Nuclear Sneak Attack By Pakistan Against America! Alex Jones Warns They Could Be Laying The Groundwork For A False Flag! — FULL SHOW (12/24/24)