JORDAN MAXWELL ~ Illuminati & The Black Magic Underworld - [Age Of Truth TV] | Find links to many other Jordan Maxwell videos BELOW this video, in the description box

3 days ago

If there ever was a legend within the field of Truth and Conspiracy research, JORDAN MAXWELL is certainly one of those legends. Probably the very first researcher, of the paranormal, other-worldly phenomena and secret societies, to reveal extraordinary, dark, fascinating and mind-bending secrets and revelations from a secret hidden world, both on Planet Earth and in the universe. Nothing is off limits to discuss with the 77-year-old lecturer, author, investigative researcher and truth-speaker Jordan Maxwell, who has lived a most incredible and unusual life, very different from most other people.
Age Of Truth TV interviewer Lucas Alexander, is going into some very controversial, other-worldly and sensational topics in this eye-opening talk with Jordan Maxwell. About his many extraordinary life-experiences, discoveries and alternative understanding of the world.
Jordan Maxwell discusses his in-depth knowledge about the highly secretive Illuminati, supposedly the most powerful secret society, who according to Maxwell, is running the world, behind the scenes of Politics, the media, the banking cartel, the pharmaceutical industry, Hollywood, The Vatican and other powerful religious institutions. He talks about the Alien presence on Earth and in other-planetary systems, such as the Reptilians, the Greys and the Nordics, and how they are connected to the power-elite, the planet Saturn and the use of occult magic, symbolism, rituals and satanism.
Jordan Maxwell is one the worlds most knowledgable researchers on religious symbolism and how most religions are connected, and what they really mean symbolically. It is a compelling description of the worlds most prominent religions, going back to ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Atlantis, Lemuria and the ancient Greek civilization.
And then there is……Hollywood !!!
This 2 hour 10 minute in-depth hard-talk interview by Age Of Truth TV with Jordan Maxwell, is also an homage to a man who influenced countless of authors, Hollywood writers and directors and other conspiracy and truth researchers all over the world, in their common goal, to understand the world we live in much better, and to bring greater awareness and knowledge to people, through such alternative information you never hear in the mainstream media or in official reports on worldly affairs and history.
Jordan Maxwell Website:
The interview was filmed on location in:
Boulder, Denver, Colorado, USA ~ January 20, 2018.
🎥 Watch: Jordan Maxwell In His Own Words With Santos Bonacci
🎥 Watch: Jordan Maxwell: City of London The Crown Knights of Templar
🎥 Watch: Jordan Maxwell – You Have No Idea (Unreleased Interview from May 21, 2014)
🎥 Watch: Jordan Maxwell Explains Words in Maritime Admiralty law, Religion & Government Control, USA corporation
🎥 Watch: The Act of 1871 - Two Constitutions (Jordan Maxwell Videos)
🎥 Watch: You have to wake up! -- Nothing is what you think it is - Jordan Maxwell -- Find direct links to MANY more Jordan Maxwell videos below in the description
🎥 Watch: Jordan Maxwell: Most People Have No Idea | With direct links to "FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell"
🎥 Watch: Fighting The NWO Since 1959: Jordan Maxwell, May He Rest In Peace, On What The Globalists Are Preparing Earth For (2009) - INFOWARS Legends
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART I The World Of The Occult, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART II Solar Worship, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART III Mazzaroth: Ordinances of Heaven, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IV Creating Man in Our Image, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART V Solomon’s Temple & The Ark, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VI Secret Legacy of Moses, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VII Saturn and Secret Societies, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART VIII Secrets of the Dollar, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: EVERY U.S. CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THIS!!!: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART IX Incorporating America, with Jordan Maxwell
🎥 Watch: AWAKEN NOW, LIVING HUMANS!! MUST WATCH, MUST COMPREHEND: FULL EPISODE Secret Life of Symbols - PART X Dawn of a New Day, with Jordan Maxwell
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