13 days agoThe 600 Calisthenics Workout: Transform Your Arms, Abs & Shoulders!CalisthenicsWorkoutComplex
6 days agoCommando Pull-Up & Behind The Neck Pull-Up #shots #fitnesszer #shorts #backworkout #backexercisesfitnesszer
5 months agoFather & Son Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 169 - Shoulders - Calisthenics Focused ExercisesSuperDaveXIII
1 month agoShoulders and Core Calisthenics Workout + Exercises to Advance to Handstand Push Ups, Push Ups, +Duarte Antunes
6 months agoFather & Son Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 155 - Shoulders - Ring Calisthenics Focused WeekSuperDaveXIII
6 months agoFather & Son Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 141 - Shoulders - Calisthenics with ParallettesSuperDaveXIII
5 months agoFather & Son Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 183 - Shoulders - Ring Calisthenics Focused WeekSuperDaveXIII
6 months agoFather & Son Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 138 - Chest & Triceps - Calisthenics with ParallettesSuperDaveXIII
6 months agoFather Workout in Nicaragua - Cut Day 152 - Chest & Triceps - Ring Calisthenics Focused WeekSuperDaveXIII