1. Nurse Gail McCrae: California hospitals were near-empty throughout all of 2020

    Nurse Gail McCrae: California hospitals were near-empty throughout all of 2020

  2. PCR test scandal: Hyperinflated test results created unwarranted fear | Nurse Gail McCrae #PCRDemic

    PCR test scandal: Hyperinflated test results created unwarranted fear | Nurse Gail McCrae #PCRDemic

  3. Refugee doctor from China: COVID narrative is copy of Chinese communist take-over | Gail McCrae

    Refugee doctor from China: COVID narrative is copy of Chinese communist take-over | Gail McCrae

  4. Vaxx status of hospitalized patients was INTENTIONALLY manipulated | Nurse Gail McCrae

    Vaxx status of hospitalized patients was INTENTIONALLY manipulated | Nurse Gail McCrae

  5. Life threatening medical emergencies SUDDENLY increased 6-10x after vaxx roll-out | Gail McCrae

    Life threatening medical emergencies SUDDENLY increased 6-10x after vaxx roll-out | Gail McCrae

  6. Isolation of COVID patients unjustified, criminal, caused massive deaths in hospital | Gail McCrae

    Isolation of COVID patients unjustified, criminal, caused massive deaths in hospital | Gail McCrae
