Life threatening medical emergencies SUDDENLY increased 6-10x after vaxx roll-out | Gail McCrae

3 months ago

Registered Nurse Gail McCrae explains that a Code Blue is the highest emergency code in the hospital. It means that a patient’s heart has stopped and/or they have stopped breathing. This code is called in order to get the required primary care staff to the patient’s bedside as soon as possible in order to begin resuscitation.

During her 10 years as a nurse, she heard on average 1 Code Blue per shift. Within one month after the roll-out of the COVID jabs, this had SUDDENLY increased to 6 to 10 Code Blues per shift, which is a 600-1000% increase.

90% of these Code Blues occurred in the injection clinic.

Here we have very strong evidence of the toxicity of the COVID jabs:

1. The number of Code Blues per shift SUDDENLY increased very shortly after (within 1 month) the roll-out of the COVID jabs
2. The number of Code Blues per shift DRAMATICALLY increased very shortly after the roll-out of the COVID jabs
3. There was no difference in Code Blues per shift in 2020, so COVID can be excluded as the cause
4. The vast majority (90%) of the Code Blues occurred in the COVID jab injection clinic

SEE ALSO: Bradford Hill criteria, which can help to determine whether a certain factor is causal or merely a coincidence.

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