Ep 4480: The Real Threat of World War, the UN Fact Checkers, Names Behind the Censorship of Americans, iVerify, Death of the Dollar, Getting Rid of Biden & Harris, and More | July 11, 2023
Important - Know That Stakeholder Capitalism & SDGs Are Communist Created, & the US Dollar Is Being Replaced By More BRICS in the Wall | Clay Clark Joins | 10/28/2022
LA PROSSIMA PLANDEMIA CAUSERÀ LA FINE DEL DOLLARO E IL COLLASSO DELLA SOCIETà AMERICANA NEL 2024-2025 DOCUMENTARIO la programmazione predittiva fatta nei videogiochi,cartoni e nei film della futura plandemia
This is a crime against children, this is grooming, this is evil of the highest calibre. UN / WHO agenda 2030 Rutgers is funded by Gates. Based in Netherlands. «Vaxines» and «healthcare»