UN STRONG CITY Seeks Takeover of Police Policy & Surrender to Globalist Control

5 days ago

UN STRONG CITY Seeks Takeover of Police Policy & Surrender to Globalist Control
Conservatives and Patriots Are Directly Targeted (((Because they are Nationalists and Constitutionalists that Refute Woke Communist UN Agenda 2030 Sick Ideology)))
2,567 views • Jun 15, 2020
Jon Bowne Reports
I Am Posting Videos From My Article on the United Nations because the Best Videos Quite Often Gets Deleted:
USA Created Secret Treaty with U.N. to Disarm Every Citizen and Turn Over Military to U.N. Control. Every U.S. Police Officer can be Activated Under U.N. Peace Keeping Authority. US Citizens Were Classified As Enemies of the State in 1933
@OratorBlog aka TheWarAgainstYou
March 10, 2022
The United Nations Quietly Undermines America's Police Force
You may recall Loretta Lynch launched the STRONG CITIES NETWORK in 2015 At the United Nations with a panel of leftist U.S. mayors including New York’s DeBlasio. Who has thumbed his nose at the NYPD for since the announcement .
Lynch had said that the:
***Strong Cities Network would have an International Steering Committee and an International Advisory Board run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a leading international think tank based in London. Whose coordinators include a who's who of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Under their control, Law-enforcement measures for the cooperating Democrat cities will be directed from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the United Nations, ignoring the U.S. Constitution, local officials and the laws they operate under.***
The Democrats emerged to ask for civility for Black Americans, when they have not shown a shred of civility toward the rest of America. Meanwhile after tens of millions of dollars worth of damage to NYC.
Former Clinton and Obama Underling Loretta Lynch is called upon by Attorney General Letitia James to oversee a predictably pro looters and neo liberal socialist instigator clean up job flying in the face of Federal oversight. On top of that, Lynch isn’t there to follow up on the millions of merchandise looted by “ peaceful”protesters.
Loretta Lynch is there to further apply pressure to an already crippled NYPD. As The Hill reported ".....New York Attorney General Letitia James’s (D) ....said in a statement. “As we continue our investigation, I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to seek answers and accountability, and that includes calling on the sharpest minds to lend their expertise."
“There is no greater responsibility of government than the protection of its citizens,” Lynch said. “It is time to examine recent events to ensure that all New Yorkers receive truly equal protection under the law. I look forward to working with Attorney General James and her outstanding team on these important issues.”
Other cities that have not officially signed on are being rewarded with equipment due to their interest in the Strong Cities Network. How convenient that the NYPD would be targeted by Loretta Lynch's United Nations police force steering committee. It appears that defunding the police is simply the beginning. As Democrat Cities are transforming their local police forces into United Nations Armies that will crush any that oppose the will of the totalitarian left and its dismantling of America.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/20... https://www.judicialwatch.org/corrupt... https://thehill.com/homenews/state-wa... https://sds-1960s.org/PrairieFire-rep... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/ne... https://strongcitiesnetwork.org/en/st...
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