2 years ago#29 - Willie Soon: “This CO2 stuff is...pure delusion. You cannot find any signature of that.”Climate realism
2 years ago#42 - Valentina Zharkova: “in next 30 yrs, global warming prob. will be last thing in our mind”Climate realism
2 years ago#30 - Ross McKitrick on big problems with paleoclimate data and land temperature recordsClimate realism
2 years ago#9: Peter Ridd on record Great Barrier Reef coral cover and scientific integrityClimate realism
2 years ago#63 Malcolm Roberts on climate alarmism: "It's absolute BS, and it's dangerous BS.”Climate realism
2 years ago#44 - Henrik Svensmark: “It is impossible for me to get funding for doing this kind of work”Climate realism
2 years ago#59 Howard Hayden: “the IPCC does NOT apply the Stefan-Boltzmann law to their results”Climate realism
2 years ago#43 - Indur Goklany: “No empirical evidence that anything bad is happening b/c of climate change”Climate realism
2 years ago#21 - Andrew Montford (aka Bishop Hill) on the hockey stick farce & his work w. GWPF/Net Zero WatchClimate realism
2 years ago#27 - Vijay Jayaraj on evil insanity of blocking fossil energy for people living in energy povertyClimate realism